Heaven's Gate leader was ex-JW? Mass suicide was 8 yrs ago today........

by WingCommander 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    I was just reading that the Heaven's Gate cult in California mass suicide was 8 years ago today. I was reading some quotes from their so-called prophet Applegate from a videotape he had made at some point. He is talking about the end times, etc, and mentions 1975, an odd coincidence if I ever saw one. He was also heavy into astronomy of course. I wonder if he was a JW at one time, and when 1975 came and went if he went nutty?

    In a subsequent video made by the cult, Applewhite moved up the timetable. But he also equivocated just a little:

    "I feel that we are at the end of the age. Now, the end of the age, I'm afraid I feel is, right upon us. It's gonna come -- now, I don't want to sound like a prophet -- but my gut says, and everything else that I know points to, that it's going to come before the turn of the century. That it's going to come in the next few months, or next year or two. I could be off. I thought it -- Ti and I thought it was going to end within a few months. The age was going to end in 1975."

    Wing Commander

  • googlemagoogle

    it's all in the pyramids...

    hey, you wt-correspondents out there, i got a good idea to save your ass about the '75 issue:
    make it two end-times. 1914 to 1975 was the first fulfilment of the end time and now we are in the real thing. how does that sound? i accept paypal.

  • jaffacake

    From reading Watchtower publications it appears that for nearly 50 years the Watchtower leadership, in their role as ?prophet?, heralded that the invisible presence of Christ began in 1874. They were still teaching this in 1929, fifteen years after even the 1914 date. It seems that for decades they also believed and published the following:

    • Christ?s kingdom rule began & fall of
    • the last days began in 1799
    • resurrection of the anointed in 1881 (?fall? ie Autumn)
    • harvest would run from 1874 to 1914
    • destruction of all human institutions & ?s complete destruction in 1914 or 1918

    By the mid 1930s the official dates for key events were moved up as follows:

    Start of last days 1799 1914

    Christ?s presence 1874 1914

    Christ?s kingdom?s active rule 1878 1914

    Beginning of resurrection 1878 1918

  • Dogpatch

    I remember Fox news in Los Angeles called me up and sent out a limo to bring me over and interview me briefly about cults like this. I also had a friend who used to be in it before the suicides, got out early!


    Net Soup! http://www.freeminds.org

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