One World Government?

by chappy 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • chappy

    One of the basic tenets of the WT org. has been the establishment of a one world government.
    You may have noticed news reports today on the G8 summit in Italy and the demonstrations and riots associated with it. There have also been lots of other public discord at some of the earlier international summits like the WTO conference in Seattle Wash.last year. Just do a net search on "one world government" and there are countless pages on the subject, both secular and religious. The charters of many large world organizations openly admit that this is their goal. Now, I am a little on the skeptical side, but you have to admit there is quite a lot of legitimate evidence pointing to the possibility. A unified medium of exchange, evolving into the elimination of cash via some form of E-cash would seemingly go hand in hand. This could, (I said COULD) involve some form of implanted electronic ID.
    What do you folks think? Will it happen in the near future? Would it be a good or bad thing?
    For all you other skeptics: I know all this is stuff is nothing new and has been talked to death for years. Assuming these things do take place,(all this isn't "pink unicorn" fantasy like it was a few years ago, but a real possibility), what arguments, if any, would you put forth demonstrating that it WASN'T some fulfilment of church/Bible prophesy?


  • crossroads

    If we should all come together and get along "god"
    won't like it.He will become afraid of what we could do.
    Just like he did when we all worked together in building
    the tower of baybel(misspelled oh well) so if it ever becomes
    fact "god" will bring it down.
    "He is the ONLY way and HE will make sure of that"

  • Francois

    I believe that one world government will result in the loss of all constitutional freedoms in the United States. I also believe it will mean an averaging, a reduction, of the standard of living in all industrial countries, as citizens become a bland and homogeneous mix in service of bringing up the living standard of citizens of "developing countries;" - whatever they are. Individualism will be devalued and brought to an end. I don't think it will happen in my lifetime. I hope not at least. But I think it's inevitable.

    Have any of you ever wondered what a "developing" country is? Developing into what? Using what as resource: economic, intellectual, physical resource? The media like to toss that phrase around pretty carelessly. But what does it really mean?



    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • sf

    And I'd like to add here saying that years ago we didn't know what we know now re: the criminal corruption of the WTBTS simply because we could NOT access what we are very able to access now; VIA THE INTERNET.

    I see this with everything, we as a national society, have been KEPT IN THE DARK about; VIA THE INTERNET. Short of going to the local library, we now have education, facts, data, dates, etc. concerning history and perhaps (I use that word loosely) secrets that never were before ACCESSED, at our fingertips! And THAT'S a beautiful thing. Individually, we can now learn more then we ever could or would in the past. And I plan on embracing that phenomenon intensely.

    Happy trails!

    Sincerely, sKally

  • Free2Bme

    As I have expressed before I think the World Govt is inevitable. I also think it will come in our lifetime and will be a bad thing in respect to individual freedom.
    My concept of a developing country? Quite often a country at the mercy of extreme elements and natural disasters forced into massive debts by developed nations who are often busy stripping these countries of any resources they can.
    If we are all equal as human beings we have the right to the same quality of life. Most of us live in a materialistic, selfish society. We jealously guard what we see as ours and earned by us. What we need is a dose of how other cultures struggle to survive through no fault of their own. Then maybe we may realise how ridiculous our pursuit of the latest techno gadget is compared to a nation of empty bellies.
    look at the richest countries in the world? Their wealth has been built on the horror of slavery, the rape of native civilisations and the abuse of power.
    What a great idea JW new order is! If only I could believe it. Because I doubt man's greed will allow him to ever achieve a fairer world. Those at the top will never give up the power and wealth they worship. They cling to them like we hold on to our little symbols of success.While someone somewhere dies of disease or starvation.

    The world govt the nations of the world is plotting is not some mission of mercy to unite the world and even out the wealth and resources. That's a pipedream. It's about control.Ultimate control. We are all just pawns in the game.


  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    Over the past few years there has been a concerted effort by trans-national corporations (primarily US and European based) to ensure that the whole world is a "free trade" playground for the very rich. The G8, APEC, GATT, NAFTA and FTAA are all integral parts of this movement. The goal is clearly to ensure that governments all over the world are subjected to "international agreements" which supercede any domestic laws which would interfere with the unfettered rights of huge corporations to invest and transfer capital as they see fit. Thus, laws which protect the environment, the rights of workers etc… are now deemed "regulatory taking" (tantamount to expropriation) and are being eroded and struck down all over the world under the terms of the "free trade" agreements which virtually all governments now seem to feel compelled to sign. The impacts have so far mostly been felt in the 3rd world, where these international agreements ensure low wages, the suppression of unions, and virtually no environmental protection laws, but they are also now beginning to have similar impacts in North America and Europe. Why do you think the G8, GATT, FTAA etc… meetings (Seatle, Quebec City, Genoa etc…) take place entirely in secret and behind massive walls of security? As more and more people learn the truth about the "new world order" which is being developed in these meetings, there are growing protests. While I do not support violence, the militancy of some protesters is certainly understandable, given the grave issues at stake, and it is insignificant compared to the violence which is increasingly being inflicted on people all over the world in the interests of "free trade".

  • Treborr Jones
    Treborr Jones

    Zep Tepi / The First Time of Osiris / The Golden Age / A New Order of the Ages / Novus Ordo Seclorum / New World Order / Globalization. Different names, same agenda.


  • sf

    Isn't "Novus Ordo Seclorum " the words printed on U.S. paper money?

    Let me see (gets a bill to look at conclusively)...

    Yes! Yes, it is indeed! Amazing, isn't it?

    sKally, in god we do not trust klass

  • willy_think

    the Masons (illumati) have been runing the WT from the beginning.
    i've seen the goats hidden in the WT pics.(the mark of the beast)
    i'v seen the satanic right of rejecting the christ (the memorial)
    if your ready look look it up. break out your old WTs and look at the pics.

    i have seen the christ lowered to an angel (michael) who was afraid of satan.

    i have seen god lowered to a space man who lives on some star, i forget it's name, but my brother pointed to in and said thats "heven that star there."

    i have heard JWs say it is bad to worship jesus. it is wrong to read the bible with out the WT.

    i have heard JWs say that the bible is the only place to get the truth, at the same time thay say to reject jesus's teachings from the bible because thay weren't meant for the likes of us. (not annointed)

    i have read in the WT the things jesus said like the old, noone gets to the farther but through jesus. only thay say it's the WT thay will take you to the farther.

    what i have never seen was any kind of worship in a KH.
    what i have seen was sales "meetings" in a KH.

    the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
  • Sozo

    We certainly are in the era of being conditioned to accept the one world government, one currency, and one world religion. The mark of the beast is hanging off in the balances - you may have heard that they are inserting micro chips in animals and most recently I've heard that they are doing babies and what is being said is to get this chip inserted will have all the information on this being so if it gets lost or stolen the chip can be located easily.

    There is a commercial...advertising Quastar (I think - its not coming to me) you place this mechanism in a vehicle and you push a button and a live voice comes on and knows your exact location and asks what do you need.....whatever you need they can do for you......even if you locked yourself out of the call this number and from the satillite it can unlock your many this would convient and wonderful but ultimately in the end the one world government will have a file on every human being and will know every move one makes.

    When the moment is right the question will be posed to everyone and the question will be to receive the mark in the forehead or on the right hand because if we don't receive the mark the government will deny jobs, finances, and food - you will not be able to buy or sell.

    Read Revelation its all there.

    There is a website: digitalangel - this talks about the microchips

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