Watchtower Theology.

by Blueblades 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    What to you is the most important scripture in Watchtower Theology?

    I will start off my saying, Matthew 24:45 - 47. Do you agree, or do you have another scripture in mind and why?


  • blondie

    Matthew 24:14

    I checked this once on the WT-CD. Of course, it counts each citation of Matthew 24:45-57 as 3 hits.

  • IP_SEC

    That is pretty much the sole source for their authority. If not for 45, they wouldnt have a basis for making ppl sell books. (24:14, 28:19)

    Its got so that verse 45 isnt even explained anymore. They just say "woo hoo were the fds (matt 24:45) Do what we say"

  • bonnzo

    w/o mt 24:45-47 they could not control your life. every scripture, everthning they tell u to do falls under mt 24:45-47

  • stillajwexelder

    Mathew 28 vs19 and 20

  • stillajwexelder

    Hebrews 10 vs 25 and 26

  • Cameron

    I too feel that "The Most Important Scripture in Watchtower Theology" is Matthew 24:45-47 - especially since that's the title of Chapter 2 of my book! ("Captives of a Concept")

    The Society's claim to being "God's faitihful and discreet slave organization" is based upon the way they interpret this Scripture. According to their interpretation, if Jesus didn't make that appointment mentioned in verse 47 in 1919 then the Society cannot be God's organization today no matter what they are teaching today.

    I also feel that the Society's most imporant teaching is that it is "God's organization." I think of it as the foundation cornerstone of the Watchtower religion. And yet, when I went to the Society's website and looked at the 40 teachings listed under "What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe?" - that teaching isn't mentioned!

    To me this would be similar to looking up the teachings of the Christian religion and not being able to find the one that says that "Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God."

    Don at

  • IP_SEC

    Even a cursory look at the context shows that this appointment over the belongings happens during/after the "day or the hour which no one knows".

    I cant believe I ever fell for the 1919 thing.

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