Why no long hair ?

by A Paduan 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Christendom has Jesus with long hair - from the start I believe

    So why no long hair - is it simply because of a literal reading of Paul ?

  • Pleasuredome

    nah, its just corporatism

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    Well, I have some pictures of ancient Jews with shoulder length hair as well, so...

    Possibly a Roman custom to have the hair cut short?

    My hair looks rather shaggy and I don't think the local elders would like my beard either

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One
    My hair looks rather shaggy and I don't think the local elders would like my beard either

    Heh~! They probably wouldn't have been into the 7" mohawks I used to wear, either~!

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    This answered any doubts I had -

  • whyamihere

    That's it I am getting the What Would Jesus Do..Thong!


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I shuudda gorn ta landover strait up - those utha dargon varmits hav bin trikkin me about tha long hair thing

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One

    Re: Landover Baptist -- What the h*ll was that~!?! I don't quite remember the baptist church I attended as a child being anything like that~!!!

  • tijkmo

    i had shaved my head just before getting reinstated and havnt cut it since...1 1/2 years now so tis getting quite long....longest ive ever had it...my ma+da tried to guilt me into a haircut but they gave up quite quickly-unlike them really...other people have mentioned it but i tell them ive taken vows of nazeriteship....no sex no alchohol no haircut-well 2 outta 3 aint bad.....my bro-in-law tells me that in our neighbour cong they have a bet going on how long it will be before i am 'encouraged' to get it cut and whether i will then shave my head completely...they know me so well....i say they are threatened because they cant punish or reward me with anything but if they tell me that i wont be able to give talks on min school then i will reason that if i was working on gestures they would allow me a few talks to improve and even if i didnt they wouldnt remove me so i will just work on personal appearance a few times too..tijkmo

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    but if they tell me that i wont be able to give talks on min school

    Well, lucky old you then

    I refused to join the school and never did a talk due to my nerves not being up to the job when I was a JW. I really felt for a brother who forced himself to do talks and had to rush to the loo afterwards. Really, really stupid (James CH:3 V:1 - always makes me feel better about the situation and more JWs should use that scripture against Elders who apply pressure).

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