Exploring your Faith ... the Dubs.

by Taylor S. 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    I try not to draw conclusions

    . . . about things with ?absolute? certainty, especially not something as subjective as the belief in an Almighty.

    But I do understand those who question things. If God does exist and he?s a God of love ? then when they inevitably stand before him, he should see into their hearts and understand their ?reasonable doubt?. How could he not see that his imperfect creations might be confused by all the options out there?

    I can also understand how people hold onto faith like a life raft.

    I was raised and led to believe that my faith was the truth, the one truth, and I designed my life around the idea that if I did everything the bible told me to do ? believed that all instructions handed down by God?s one earthly organization were ?spiritual food in due season? and ?heavenly guidance? from above and was to be followed without question ? then, and only then, would I be rewarded with Eternal Life in an earthly paradise.

    This of course would be after the battle of Armageddon where all the evil ones on earth, billions of people (all those NOT a member of God?s one earthly organization ? aka THE ORG) would be slaughtered and eaten by birds.

    And lastly, that decisive battle, the big A, was right around the corner. The battle where God finally proves to Satan the Devil that humans can not manage there own affairs ? and its foolish to disregard his orders. You know the story: thousands of years of human suffering all because a talking snake told a naked woman to eat a piece of fruit.

    Anyway ? that little matter will be finally settled at Armageddon.

    So after being indoctrinated with these beliefs, I spent the first twenty years of my life defending them ? and smugly looking down my nose at those who just didn?t get it.

    Then I started to think for myself, separate myself from the lemmings and explored all theories and ideas about life and God ? an exploration which was strongly discouraged by the organization known as Jehovah?s Witnesses and ultimately lead to my departure. If anybody has ever believed something all their lives, and then found out in one hideous instant that it was all bulls**t ? then you understand how bitter a pill it is to swallow. Six million Jehovah?s Witnesses around the world provide the slave labor for a small ?Governing Body? of men (who profess to have sole access to God)? who sit atop the 1 Billion dollar publishing empire called the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in Brooklyn, NY.

    Believe what you want . . .

    but never let anyone tell you not to explore,

    not to investigate the roots of your own faith. Because, sometimes the Emperor really is naked, and you?re not just tripping . . . a God of love would want you to investigate and to form your own conclusions as to his greatness.

    I did, and the truth about The Truth blew my mind.

    Here?s a great discussion board for all those have been Dubs (Witnesses) or who know someone who?s still enslaved by the Org, or maybe just questioning other matters of religion ?.

    JWD -- http://www.jehovahs-witness.com

    I left that organization when I was nineteen ? and this JWD board has turned out to be the therapy I never knew I needed.

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    That was a post I made to an online group talking about religion and God. The thread immediately disappeared in cyberland ... but I still managed to send it out through other channels.

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    Great post Taylor S. And RIGHT ON THE MONEY!!! Just think, if we were born in the Middle East, what religion would we be then? Would we believe what we were taught with our whole hearts? Would we be willing to die and even kill for our beliefs?

    I have taken this as the one true statement taught to me by Jehovah's Witnesses


    You do not need a religion to have a relationship with your creator. The choice is up to us individually. And if there is a God; I agree with you that he will judge us according to what is in our hearts. Not based on some religious affiliation. If he's watching, he knows full well how screwed up things are down here. I don't believe he will hold us accountable for being deceived. I was deceived by the Witnesses but I still believe that God 'will not forget my good works, and the love that I showed for his name.'

  • Gopher

    If God made us, then he created us with a brain to use.

    To expect us to blindly believe that a religion or a book came from Him, is to deny us the right to use the brain with which we were made.

    No God that I would want to know would create me with a brain and expect me to forgo using it based on what some people say I should believe about the unseen and unknown.

  • startingover

    I like it. It has now been saved in my collection of favorite essays.

    Thanks for posting it here.

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it.

    Now ... If I could just let my mom read it.

  • Wild_Thing

    If the Truth cannot stand up to a little scrutiny, then it wasn't that truthful to begin with, was it?

  • hopelesslystained

    taylor, you oviously love your mom very much. but, think about it, would it really be good for her at this point in her life to face the facts that she has been fooled and led on by this organization? i do not know her age, but if she is, say, 60+ it just may not be the best thing. it would be very hard for her to stand up and say my life as a jw has been a waste. a very very sad situation. i am in just such a situation with my parents, they simply do not know how to operate outside the org. they rely on it for everything. they are in their late 70's early 80's and have been jws since the 1950's. at this point in time, i do not see the org offering them any real comfort, maybe that is why they are now happy to hear from me and my personal opinions after so manny years of shunning. we never really know how things may take a turn and work out. our parents become children at some point and it is up to us to simply provide a good example. we must trust they will come to their own private conclusions. if your mother is speaking to you, be the nurturing parent. and be comforted.

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    hopeless ....

    thanks for that. i am leaning toward 'Ignorance is Bliss'. But that's today.

    Tomorrow may be different.

  • JamesThomas

    Very well said, Taylor.

    (if i had an edit bar i would put a little applauding smiley here)


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