Ex-Jw Fund!

by mkr32208 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    I was just thinking about this while posting a reply to richierich. We need to set up a apostate fund to help out members of this board who are in trouble! Richie was saying that he's afraid to get df'ed because he might get tossed out of his house! Well how many members are there on this board?? 5000? 10000? More? (I know I can go to the members directory and see but I don't feel like it) if everyone contributed $1 a month that would be a lot of money to help people out!

    The problem is how do you make sure that the money isn't sent to "undeserving" people? Or worse yet some dick brain like JW ben doesnt' put some in the contribution box at the kh!

    Any way I'd be willing to help members on here! I've been out of work for almost a year after getting surgury and just got back to work so I KNOW how tight it can get and the state isn't as interested in helping you as Bill O'rilly would have you think!!! So when a member has a REAL problem we should have a way to help, right!

    mark of the ~not really a bad guy dispite the fact that he's an athiest apostate pervert a$$hole~

  • RunningMan
    The problem is how do you make sure that the money isn't sent to "undeserving" people?

    Send the money to me. I will evaluate the claims and distribute it equitably. Trust me.

  • darkuncle29

    I've thought that if I ever have the means, I'd like to set up an exJW scholarship trust. Maybe this will have to wait until my demise.

    mark of the ~not really a bad guy dispite the fact that he's an athiest apostate pervert a$$hole~

    "How You doin'?"

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