My 8 Foot R/C Plane * update * - She Flies!

by FMZ 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • FMZ

    Yep, that's right, she had her maiden flight this morning... it was beautiful!

    After one bum takeoff attempt (I had one of the servos reversed... hehe), I fixed the problem and tried again.

    I increased throttle a little, she slowly taxied forward, a little more power bit by bit, and there she went... Up into the air, gliding beautifully. It was amazing watching this thing I had built from little bits of foam and glue take to the sky. I'm hooked!

    I flew her around the area a few times, once getting confused as to which direction she was facing, and almost crashed, but I recovered well.

    I decided to try a landing (my first landing with real landing gear on an r/c plane). I was going a little fast on the landing, and the rear skid came off when it hit the deck a tad hard, but nothing that can't be fixed.




  • MerryMagdalene

    That is so cool, FMZ!!!

    Wishing you many more days of flying fun


  • Quotes

    Hey, GREAT STUFF!!!! That story really made me smile!

    Looks like lots of fun.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Oh what memories you bring back!

    My hubby and son used to build and fly RC airplanes..(and a few boats..) they were in Midwest flying club..and a few others.He also reversed servos a few times..

    Do you belong to a club? The sizes fo by Quarter scale etc. Still have a lot of equipment in the basement waiting for my son to build a garage to keep it in. My hubby passed away 2 years ago but every Sunday the "Guys" would meet here and talk about airplanes and eat and go down to the "Workshop" in the basement. He would take orders and build for some of the other guys.

    We had giant airplanes and parts hanging all over the basement! And a lot of movies of them flying and competitions .A few awards..Even had a few pictures in the RC Modeler magazines..

    Thanks for the memories..

    Snoozy...In St Louis also..

    Watch that glue and other stuff you work with..hubby worked in the basement and ended up with lung cancer...never smoked..It was either that or working in concrete for 40 years..But be sure it is very well ventilated where you work on them.

    Nice job by the way. Did you build it all by yourself ?

  • FMZ

    Thanks Merry!

    Quotes, glad I could put a smile on ya face mate... I had a big ass grin too ;)

    Golden Girl... I certainly understand the addiction now.. it's awesome. The planes will come and go, but just as in your case, the memories are what it's really all about.

    I ordered the foam pieces from some college guy who is building a 24 foot version of it, and selling the 8 foot kits to raise money. The parts are made of pink insulation foam (no particles in the air). The glue I used on this one was just Elmer's Glue All, nice and simple. It works surprisingly well :)


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Are you by Valley Park? They have a RC club that flys there. You can usually see the planes flying from the highway.Hubby's club was in Illinois.

    The address is:

    I found one picture with hubby and my son.I haven't looked at that site since before he died..They used to have a picture of his Bi wing (Two wings) he built but it looks like they replaced a few pictures.Look at Events and past Events and Pictures..shows some of the members planes.

    I can't remember where you it by Crystal city?

    I know it's somewhere I have been..just not which way..

    Hubby was really in to it. Used all kinds of epoxy glue and covering they had to shrink with a special iron.

    We had Balsa wood all over the tables.

    It's really special to be able to keep them in the air. I saw many land in the cornfields..

    They would usually spend at least 2 or 3 thousand on one airplane and with the motor and equipment it would run 5 to 8 thousand and more.


  • Xena

    YEA FMZ!!!!!

    Looks like fun

  • AlmostAtheist

    Congrats, FMZ! Great work!


  • Undecided

    Been doing this for 35 years. Used to compete in pattern contest, won a few. Currently have a J3 Piper with a 4cycle engine and a Sportster. I've had so much fun over the years flying. My brother just started flying an electric J3 and is doing great.

    I couldn't see the pictures you posted. Sounds like an interesting plane. Have fun!

    Ken P.

    The pictures just poped up. Looks like a fun plane.

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