Great new book

by Jankyn 2 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Jankyn

    I just finished reading Leaving the Saints: How I Lost the Mormons and Found My Faith by Martha Beck. Beck is a regular columnist for O magazine (Oprah's mag).

    The book details how she survived sexual abuse in her home (at the hands of her father, a big-shot Mormon scholar), and how she eventually left the Mormon church. She has a lot of inside information, and although there are some differences between the Mormon structure and the JW structure (most notably the size and money involved), there are a lot of similarities as well.

    I particularly liked the way she described her spiritual journey in recovery. This may be a helpful book for survivors.



  • lonelysheep

    Thank you for the review!

    I saw her on (I think) Good Morning America and she said he is the Presiding Bishop of the LDS church. Right away I wanted to cuz it sounded like the WT.

  • JustTickledPink

    I love Martha Beck, I know someone that took her workshop and spent some time with her face to face and she relates a lot of her life to being an ex-mormon and overcoming it all.

    I hope to read it, don't know when, but I'll get to it.

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