disfellowshipped for accepting a transplant or...........

by eye 23 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • eye 23
    eye 23

    one of the now accepted forms of tranfusions? does anyone know of a personal experience where a former brother/sister used their concience to accept a transplant or one of the now acceptable forms of blood and were disfellowshiped for it?.can you relate the story or post a link


    eye 23

  • garybuss

    I am not personally aware of any Witness who took a transfusion or a transplant under the old guidelines and was shunned. I am aware of people who suffered and died a painful early death due to following the directions of the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation and the Jehovah's Witness people.

    The blood medical treatment guidelines and the organ transplant dogma were both all about eating. The Witness people thought an organ transplant was a meal. They still think blood medical treatment is a meal of food forbidden by antique Jewish dietary laws. The kosher dietary laws actually had to do with blood contained in the meat from a slain animal. The Witness people do not eat kosher prepared meat but they have transferred the kosher dietary laws to receiving whole blood or it's unseparated components. They have no problem now eating the divided components.

    This is my last topic of real interest associated with the Witness group any more. I have one foot out the door and one foot on a banana peel on this topic too. Thanks for starting the thread!

  • clementine

    i've heard of a JW who accepted a transplant in name of her daughter who was nearly dying... he was disfellowshipped for that...

  • eye 23
    eye 23

    Thanks guys for the reply

    thing is this ....it's all very well witnesses saying that the society never ever actually said that JW's couldn't have transplants... just pointed out scripture and later said it was up to their own concience......but the proof of the pudding is in the eating so to speak..or maybe in the bible own words....... actions speak louder that words.

    Heres a fictional little story made up to emphasize the point:


    A little child of around three is about to devour a huge bar of chocolate that was given him by some loving aunt/uncle. his father enters the room, and on seeing his son kneels down beside him...imedientely the child thinks that his father is about to take this wonderful /delicious treat away from him...but to his delight his father only starts to talk the child round......maybe begining with.......'

    although this looks a nice treat for you to eat joe', 'lets just stop and wonder what would happen if you ate it, shall we'?

    'Firstly you may become sick, that you ate so much chocolate, and that wouldn't be nice would it? 'Secondly, if you ate it before your dinner then you may not have room for your meal and your mother may be sad that she had gone to all the time and effort to prepare something for us to eat and you didn't eat it' can you see why it would be wise to think about things before you act? so as to make the right choices and make mummy pleased with you?

    After thinking about it Joe decides that ...hey this chocolate is so nice and he knows mummy loves him and would understand his desire for it so he tells daddy.....'I thought about it daddy, and I have decided that I can make the choice with a good concience'.

    'I'm sure mummy wouldn't mind and she knows I love her and would never make her sad so I'm going to sit down and enjoy!'

    on that note the father says wrong answer joe! and takes the chocolate away from the child. it's not untill this point that Joe realises that there was never really a choice in the first place!

    just then, as joe is feeling deceived with his fathers reasoning .....his mother enters the room and says yeh sure joe can have the chocolate ...dinners not for ages yet and I don't mind at all!

    see the point?

    I'm sure there have been those that were disfellowshipped for accepting a transplants, sadly though, this was a long time ago....before the internet was so widely used ....however it would be nice to have some experiences to share with those we love in order for them to see the organization is not a loveing/just one.....our loving father would never ask us to do the things the society has asked of it's members because as i said in a previous post.....'it never came up in his heart'

    the short of it all is this........god knows those that love him...the bible tell us so. He would never ask of us more that we could bare

    he sent his son as an example for us to follow...jesus said the greatest comandment of all was love ...hence those approved of god would show love for others..........the organization doesn't hasn't shown the deep unconditional love that jesus did...hence can't be gods exclusive channel...........its as easy as 123 to me

    clemintine......can you give me some more details of this story so I can relate them to my family...thanks

    love to all


  • garybuss

    Eye, the Witness owned publishing corporation uses implications, suggestions and innuendoes instead of straightforward writing. Their writings are presented as instructions for living. Can you imagine if their type of loopy writing were used as a surgeon's instructions on how to perform heart surgery?

    Often the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation produced literature makes it's point by use of a question. Their goal is to produce confusing and deniable work. They're very good at it.

    I was a 23 years old life long Witness in 1967. I got married in 1967. I was there and I remember it well plus I still have all the literature produced then. If organ transplants were actually allowed from 1967 through 1980 the Witness people used deception to hide that fact. The net result was the same for my family.

    To me, the idea that an organ transplant is a meal and is against Jewish kosher diet laws so it's not allowed now is ridiculous. The idea that blood medical treatment is a meal is just as stupid to me. Now the teaching is that if the blood components are separated and transfused it's medical treatment and okay by Jewish law, but if the components of blood are not separated and transfused, it's a meal and not okay.

    These are not rational people. Beware any of their directions or advise.

  • clementine

    well more details... for tonight, it will be difficult i think: i need to look after the testimony of my friend (and i can't remember where i put it) and to translate it... but, i'll do that tomorrow i promise!!

  • clementine

    ok, so, i translate you the part of my friend's testimony concerning the transplant...

    "at nearly 12 years old, our daughter J. felt seriously sick. she has the Hodgkin disease. This reaches the lymphatic ganglia, invades the liver, lungs, and all the nervous system. Little by little, the disease invades all organs. The question of a blood transplant comes quickly to our head. Follwing the Society's wishes, i opposed it. [...]

    one day, the doctor comes to see us and took us off all our illusions. "I made everything i could. If you still refuse a blood transplant, i can't attend her anymore."

    back to home, my wife and i talked all night long. on the morning, after a harsh interior fight, i tell my wife "do what you want to do!". our daughter is hospitalized once more. My wife and i are next to her during the blood transplant. At that moment, a woman enters the room. she recognises me (she is JW)! "but it's your daughter! she recieves blood!!" on the evening, she denounces me.

    i must go to a legal comitee (?is that the expression you use in english??) composed by 3 elders. i'm disfellowshipped. from that moment, any JW looks at me any more. [...]

    here is his story, i'm sure you can find many others on this subject...

    did you try to go on ex-JWs' sites in order to read some testimonies? you may find some concerning transplants and disfellowshipping...

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