Another Good Friend Died

by Undecided 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    When will it stop! I know the answer, when I'm the one in the casket.

    My good friend that my brother and I bowl with on Mondays died Saturday. We went over today and the guy that runs the place ask, "Did you hear about Gurney? He died Saturday with a heart attack." He and his wife were such a good couple, I feel so sorry for her. They did so many fun things together, I know she is devastated right now. He was so much fun to be with, I will really miss him.

    Ken P.

  • candidlynuts

    my condolences Ken.

    it sucks getting older.. im 40 and already several kids i went to high school with have passed on. its heartbreaking. hang in there.



  • mustang


    A couple of years ago, I went through a spell of FIVE people related/friends/acquaintances dying in about 3 months. I thought that it would stop w/ the proverbial "it comes in 3's".

    Then I talked to a friend of mine that is a few years older: she said that she had been to 20 funerals already that year and the year wasn't quite over.

    Sad to say, the only fix may be to not get any older or not have any older friends.

    Hang in there is all we can do


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    my condolence to you.

    I know what this is like; having dealt with the death of so many in so short a period of time. There is no answer; except to say "I am sorry for your loss",


  • clementine

    my condolence for you undecided... lots of love

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Undecided - Condolences. I lost 9 in two years including my brother and Mom. No support from the so called 'friends' either, even before we took our leave from the borg.

    Hang tight.


  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    condolences ken ...

    its almost sad to say that at 39, i've had to say goodbye to more people than i care to mention. three were very close to my heart .... but i feel sorta like I've absorbed them ... and I find myself using their 'isms' -- doing and saying things they way they would have.

    i guess its a way of keeping them near.


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