EX JW threatens to blow up convention withh 2000 JW's!!..........

by nicolaou 2 Replies latest social current

  • nicolaou
    Armed Man threatens JW Assembly

    ROME : An armed man threatened to blow himself up in a hall in Rome Saturday where around 2,000 members of the Jehovah's Witnesses church were holding a meeting, Italian media said.

    After jumping onto a stage in the hall, the man issued the threat and claimed he was carrying explosives. The man then barricaded himself inside a room on the first floor of the building after threatening the crowd, according to Sky's TG24 news channel. Police later managed to arrest him after the hall was evacuated.

    Armed with a pistol and with electrical wires protruding from under his jacket, the man, identified as Angelo Cicero from a town near Catania on the southern island of Sicily, had jumped onto the stage at the hall used by the Christian sect and threatened to blow himself up. But after his arrest police did not find any explosives on him and his pistol was empty. Cicero gave no reason for his threat but he had been expelled from the sect last year and has tried several times to be readmitted.
    He was known to the police for a number of felonies, including robbery. - AFP


  • Neo

    Hi nicolau, there's a discussion going on about this topic at Italy: Man Threatens to Blow Self up at JW Meeting of 2,000


  • nicolaou

    Ooops. I hate when I do that.

    Thanks Neo

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