help with old wt's 1917-1919 posted here before ty

by johnny cip 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    i recall a while back someone posted old wt's here from 1917 saying jw's should buy liberty bonds, war bonds, a 1919 wt saying the league of nations was a good thing. and other one saying god said the allies would win ww1 , and other one from this time saying to salute the flag etc. if some one can post them for me i would be most greatful... john

  • Buster

    Johnny, if I was home I would search for it on my CDs.

    If you haven't gotten an answer by tomorrow (Tuesday) night, send me a message and I'll see if I can find it. (I may remember to check this thread anyway)

    - Cliff

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    buster ; thanks buddy. john

  • Leolaia
  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    thank you Leolaia: you answers one of my requests. hoping some one else can come up with the rest. john

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    bttt; i know someone has this info john

  • Buster

    John - sorry this is late. I hope it is still useful (I didn't get home this week to look it up)

    Liberty Bonds: June 1919 Watchtower: "It (the Association) ...has not advised anyone to refuse to buy Liberty Bonds. That is an individual matter which each one must determine for himself according to his ability. The Association believes in supporting the government in every way it can ... and each one should do so according to his ability and his conscience."

    The above quote also appears in the May 1919 issue. The context makes references to a fuss some seem to have made regarding 'The Association's direction that such purchases could violate some consciences.'

    I'll look some of the other stuff up now.

    Nice working with you , Johnny

    - Cliff

  • Buster

    And my jaw drops as I find this reference.

    Feb 15 191 Watchtower: "With the great Peace Conference actually in progress and wwith the League of Nations a virtual reality, Bible Students are in a position to see more in these two world events than mere evolution of human thought and actions. They are but the strides of divine Providence in the 'great day of Jehovah.'"

    and in the next paragraph: "We cannot but admire the high principles embodied in the proposed League of Nations ..."

    Watchtoer, Oct 1 1919: "(Rutherford) decalred a League of Nations formed by the political and economic forces, move by a desire to better mankind by establishment of a peace and plenty would accomplish great good..."

    But in fairness, that October wuote goes on to say that, because of clergy support, would have the "Lord's displeasure."

    I'll look for the flag salute one now.

    - Cliff

  • Buster

    By the way, I don't think the flag salute started back then. But I'll look through the 1910 to 1919 Watchtowers anyway.

    The May 15 1917 Watchtower has lot s of glowing things to say about America and the flag. But it doesn't seem to have any reference to saluting it. Check this out: [At Bethel] "in one end of the Drawing Room there has been kept a small bust of Abraham Lincoln with two American flags displayed about the bust."

    Ther are lots of 'respect for the flag', our great American country'-type references in those WT's.

    Let me know if you want more.

    How's your dad? Having any doubts yet?

    - Cliff

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    IT'S NEVER TO LATE: THANK YOU BUSTER: . I NEEDED SOME OF THOSE WT DATES. AS My jw dad may be getting someone to lend him the old reprints. to look up some of this stuff. thank you john

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