What kind of beauty?

by duffy 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • duffy

    I saw an Awake on the sidewalk asking what kind of beauty really matters.
    I'll tell ya what I learned as a teenager and twenty-something among the jw's; The beauty of your posessions. A guy could be the most mysoginistic troll but if he had the cool car, the spikey hair, the right clothes, the "sisters" flocked to him while an average looking guy (me )who tried living along the WTBS rules; meanial job, modest attire and attitude, couldn't catch a break from the golddiggers sisters.

    I tell you, after working through the bu**sh*t guilt of having sex outside of marriage, I found that good old, regular women aren't so caught up in what I own (I subscibe to a life of voluntary simplicity after reading, "A Reasonable Life" by Frederick Mate') and enjoy being around me for who I am. Another reason I am happier now.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Sounds like you ran into quite a few loser women in the congregation. Yeah, I have to agree that people who were not raised in that group are a little more grounded in reality. Kind of weird...

    As they said in the Matrix, "Welcome, to the real world..."


  • frenchbabyface

    Cool !!!

    Also I tell you my mother never had a damn chance in any KH (because she had 5 kids) to find a man after her divorce with my father (who never have been a JW and always acted as if he was still her husband and father but only to beat us ) ... when she actually was more than wanted from outside, I've even seen a huissier who was coming for the seizure of our furnitures cause my mother had dept on his knees to asking my mother the second time he saw her telling her he would take care of her and her kids and all (well it was kinda weird in fact) ... it have always been weird to me to see the difference of how people was seing my mother (in and out) ... also she always looked older than her age and she married a 22 at 45 so there must be something that the JW was kind of blind about ...

  • duffy

    It was a pain in the &ss while I was in, because I had few choices. But looking back, I see the women in the cong. Had almost no choices. If they wanted more than a small apartment with rommates, they had to marry for it. They certainly couldn't go out and get a career and make their own money, not if they wanted to remain in good standing.
    So they pursued guys with money, landed them and in a few years were bitchin' to the drab guys like me about what a jackhole their husband was being.
    If I had any self-esteem back then I could have nailed (sorry, not feeling very PC today) a lot of my married sistersĀ© as they were telling me they wished their husband was more like me.

    Duffy of the "Shiny red Doc Martens, black Carhartts, black tee, leather coat, and charcoal Borsalino" class

  • CoonDawg

    Yep...been there, done that. Girls liked to go on dates...for what you would treat them to, but when it came down to a relationship, they wanted the guys with the loot.

    So they pursued guys with money, landed them and in a few years were bitchin' to the drab guys like me about what a jackhole their husband was being.

    I too, was one of the "nice guys" that sisters liked to tell their marital troubles to. Had I not been so freakin' naive, I could have nailed lots of them...including some that should have been unattainable to me. I remember one sister who's abusive hubby was a total a-hole who used to maneuver things to work in service with me...even alone at times. She had a young child and would interminably be whipping out her breast to nurse the child...even when the boy wasn't fussing or hungry. She ended up DF for finding someone willing to nail her, but it wasn't me. and she was a real hottie too. Guess it's just another regret!


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