Nuclear Sub accident...

by jeanniebeanz 2 Replies latest social current

  • jeanniebeanz

    some very interesting pictures...

  • TrailBlazer04

    What happened to the USS San Francisco is a rarity. There's some talk that the captain misread the charts and the boat was going too fast for the area they were patrolling. I do know that some folks from where I work have been sent to Guam to assess damage (I work where the sub was built).

    And...just to clarify the record here. The sub is nuclear powered, however, given the location of the damage, at NO time was there any danger to the reactor or subsidiary systems. A reactor is HARD to "blow up"...3 Mile Island notwithstanding. (That's a whole 'nother story that I'll relay for anyone who's interested).

    Trailblazer (who's worked on the design of the 688 class subs, the Virginia Class sub and various sundry aircraft carriers)

  • stillajwexelder

    yes most people who are not scientists/engineers freak out whe nthe ysee or hear the word nuclear but they are very safe . The French have a huge number on the shores of Normandy

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