"Christmas Star" was Satan's doing?

by reagan_oconnor 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • reagan_oconnor

    I was talking with my husband the other day about the JW's belief that the "Christmas Star" that guided the Magi to Christ was the doings of Satan. He didn't believe me; this is what I found in the "My Book of Bible Stories" (copied verbatim from CD-ROM)

    Who do you think made that new star to shine? Remember, the men first went to Jerusalem after seeing the star. Satan the Devil wanted to kill God's Son, and he knew that King Herod of Jerusalem would try to kill him. So Satan is the one who must have made that star shine.

    Matthew 2:1-23; Micah 5:2.

    If you check both scriptures, even in the NWT, there is NOTHING that indicates that Satan was the cause of this star. Does anyone know where the JWs got this idea?


    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

  • Zep

    I believe the logic goes like this: Astrology is forbidden under Jewish Law, therefore the sign could not be of divine origin. The question they have asked is, Why would Jehovah on the one hand forbid Astrology and then go straight ahead and indulge in it.
    In Jwitty land there are 3 forces. Satan and his hordes of fellow demons, Jehovah and his angels and then us. Since it couldn't have been Jehovah who put the Star in the sky for reasons stated above, and since man had no available technology to do it, it therefore was the booogie man himself, SaTan.
    In reality it was probably just halley's comet!

  • gsark

    Didn't somebody go back in celestial time and figure out that there 'was' some kind of 'event' right around then? I'll go look on the Web when I have time.

    And wasn't it normal for people to navigate by the stars at night?

  • Francois

    Last time I checked, it was God who put the stars in the heavens. Satan is not credited with anything like that. Jesus, IMO, could not have been killed by anything or anyone unless it was the will of God. I do despise the small-minded bullshit coming out of the WTB&TS.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

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