How to stop spam

by G Money 3 Replies latest social current

  • G Money
    G Money

    This may work or purely be coincidence. I have a few different email accounts and only one NEVER receives spam. It is my yahoo account from Spain and instead of ending in .com it ends in .es. Perhaps the spammers only market to the consumerist Americans?

    My address in the Caribbean nation I lived in a few years back also got no spam. Coincidence or reality?

  • Honesty

    I usually stop it by replying with a scanned copy of the latest WT magazine.

  • AlmostAtheist

    It is almost surely NOT a coincidence. Spammers have software that makes up likely email addresses. My address used to be do1969 (initials and birth year) and I got spammed all the time. Now I have a less obvious email address and I get much less. Going after the .com's and ignoring the .es's just makes numerical sense. (No offense!)

    Interestingly, those spams would often come CC'd to do1969, do1970, do1971, ....


  • fairchild

    Spammers are such a pain, they totally drive me up the walls. I used to make it a point of 'unsubscribing' to all of them, all the time, it would take me a long time because I was having about 80 spammers a day. Then, someone convinced me NOT to 'unsubscribe', because when you do, you are just confirming that someone 'is there' and your e-mail address gets shared with more and more spammers. This is probably true. Since I stopped replying and 'unsubscribing', I have gotten a lot less. I'm getting about 30 a day now. I also have noticed that often the spammers increase after I have been to new sites.

    They really are a pest and it should be against the law. My hotmail account filters out the spammers, but some still come through.

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