Will You Dare to Believe in Yourself?

by FreePeace 6 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • FreePeace

    By Doug Kelley, CSL - April 2001

    "Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance."
    —Bruce Barton, Congressman & Advertising Executive

    Many good people suffer terribly at the hand of circumstance. Some face intense financial problems; some are deeply hurt from the repeated "bombs" of an abusive or alcoholic mate; some look death square in the eye because of a life-threatening illness or old age. At one time or another, everyone faces difficult circumstances, which can drain them of their power. If these circumstances go on too long, it can drain them dry.

    What about you? Is your power draining due to some difficult circumstance? When you are at your lowest ebb, something (like the quote above) can ignite a spark, be it ever so small. But at least it's a spark, which can lead to a fire. And when you believe that all hope is lost, and you haven't the emotional strength to do anything, let alone carry on, ask yourself, "Dare I Believe?" Well… do you? Do you dare believe that something inside of you is superior to circumstance?

    When your gut is in knots with agonizing pain, please don’t let your circumstances beat you! Recognize that you, as a human being, are far greater than your circumstances! Dare to believe that within you resides Greatness just waiting to be released upon the world!

    If, one-by-one, you learn the lessons of your pain, then step-by-step, you will gain mastery over your circumstances. Once you do, use those priceless life-lessons learned to help others in their plight.

    Then you will truly do something splendid; something befitting Greatness. But only if you dare believe that something inside of you—yes, something beautiful—is superior to circumstance.

    So, will you? Will you dare to believe in yourself?

    (More empowering articles at www.EmpowerTheSpirit.com)

    "The World is my country, and to do good, my religion." --Thomas Paine

    Visit my Websites:
    TruthQuest: http://www.geocities.com/freepeace2000/Truthquest/TruthQuestx.html

    Empower the Spirit: http://www.EmpowerTheSpirit.com

  • ladonna


    Your words always seem to hit home with me

    I believe I am guilty of circumstance getting the upper hand......not believing in myself and then the whole things just steam rolls...

    Sometimes I am in a quandry as to how I can be successful in a business life...but I fail so much when it comes to 'dealing' with issues.

    You and Think know quite a bit about my history....I haven't written my personal experiences yet as I don't know if I can......
    see what I mean?????

    14 years ago last week my baby son was killed in horrific circumstances..............4 months ago my daughter was burnt in a housefire....almost to death........the latter left me feeling very weak and vulnerable....

    But when I read your letters they make me feel like there is so much more I CAN do about how I react to trauma.

    I think I need a Freepeace post into my email every week....

    Love to Tracy....and Thanks,

  • DougKelley

    Hi Ana!

    I am so sorry about your very difficult circumstances--my heart goes out to you for your loss.

    Please hang in there! It is most difficult when we are in the middle of the storm. But a certain thing always happens with a storm-it passes, eventually. Just don't pass with it.

    Once past the storm, you are in a special position to help others weather their own storms. This will give you great personal satisfaction.

    I would like to send you a copy of my book, "The Game Rules for Life," if you are interested. Please email your address to [email protected] if you are interested. You can find out more about the book at www.empowerthespirit.com.

    You can also sign up for my semi-monthly e-zine, "Empowering Thoughts" there. That is where I first published this article.

    I wish you all the best, and keep trying.


  • stephenw20

    I have heard it said other ways , instead of :
    one-by-one, you learn the lessons of your pain, then step-by-step, you will gain mastery over your circumstances."

    That these situations are not there to harms us rather build endurance, self esteem, and allow the part of us relies on our own ego, to rely on godor come to know him

    Its empowering to oneself to pretty much give the grace or glory to the one with the energy in the first place, after you have built your own strength


    I am sorry for your circumstances , as they are certainly quite heart wrenching and quite traumatic. I will say a few words in your behalf today , some healing intentions!
    I would suggest if you would like to look into the writings of Ms Caroline Myss. She may help you see a different perspective on your current situation and the past history of your life.

    Peace to you today!


  • cnn77


    I am truly sorry to hear about your daughter.

    My thoughts are with you.

  • Introspection

    Ana, sorry to hear about your daughter! Please be assured we're here if you need support.


    "It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease." -Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

  • safe4kids


    I'm glad that you found the strength to share some of your pain and circumstances...that in itself can be healing somewhat.

    I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking of you and care about how you are...

    And Doug, as usual, I agree wholeheartedly with what you have said. Not allowing life circumstances to control us and drag us down, but recognizing our own inner strength is truly powerful. Thanks for the lift!


    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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