God speaks via road signs!

by kitties_and_horses_oh_my! 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • kitties_and_horses_oh_my!

    I'm at Starbucks today and nearby are three very cute, very intelligent-looking teenage girls, maybe 16 or 17 years old. They have their Bibles out (I live in hick-ville, what can I say?). One girl was saying:

    "So I'm just driving and praying to God, my eyes are all watery, "God, give me a sign, please!" And then I get off the freeway and I look and the first road sign says "Clearwater." Then I drive by a car wash. And I realize, wow, God wants me to be cleansed. Then I drive by another road, Vista Way. Oh, I think, that means I should go "this way!" (Because Vista sounds like "this"? I don't get it!) And so I turn back and go down Vista Way and pass a sign that says "40 nights". So I finally got it: God wants me to be cleansed for 40 nights."

    Wow. I don't think I've ever heard such intrepid logic in my life!! :roll: I was just sitting there doing my best not to laugh hysterically.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Too Funny...


  • Euphemism

    You have got to be kidding me! She sounds like one of the girls from Saved.

    P.S. Lovely avatar, kitties.

  • kitties_and_horses_oh_my!

    Wow, it gets even better - I was asking doc where the girl could have seen a sign that said "40 nights" - kind of an odd sign, plus it was on Vista Way which is a tiny street. He reminded me they just put in a new bedroom-furniture store called "40 Winks." Between car washes and stores selling night stands we should be set for any divine message!!

  • AlmostAtheist

    Reminds me of a Phoebe bit on Friends:

    Ross: Mon, speaking of which, Dad says he knows someone you can call for an interview.
    Pheebs: Okay, RIGHT THERE. That's the third sign today. Right there.
    Pheebs: No, 'cuz you just said "Dad", and everywhere I go today, I keep getting signs telling me to go see my father. Like when I was walking over here, and I passed a buffet...which is my father's last name.
    Rachel: Uh-huh...
    Pheebs: And they were serving franks...which is his first name, minus the "s" at the end...AND, there was a rotisserie, with a spinning chicken...
    Monica: His Indian name??
    Pheebs: No! Because I chickened out the last time...when I tried to meet him. So, coincidences? I don't think so!
    The gang: Wow...Freaky...That is weird...
    Rachel: Okay, so who wants the last hamburger?
    Pheebs: Oh, alright, that's it. Now I have to go see him.
    Monica: Why?
    Pheebs: Hamburger?!?....McDonald's?!?....Old McDonald had a farm?!?...My dad is a pharmacist?!?...

    Compliments of http://users.frii.com/germ/tempPPC/quote221.html

    (Is there ANYTHING you can't find on the Internet?!?)


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