The bible shows it's ok to celebrate Christmas

by AloneinOh 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • AloneinOh

    I found this while crusin' the net. I thought it was great and hopefully you will too. Next year I'm having my first real Christmas!!

    NO CHRISTMAS for the JEHOVAH'S WITNESS! The Watchtower was exactly right! Quoting the December 1, 1904, issue we read on page 364: "Since the celebration of our Lord's birth is not a matter of divine appointment or injunction, but merely a tribute of respect to him, it is not necessary for us to quibble particularly about the date. We may as well join with the civilized world in celebrating the grand event on the day which the majority celebrate-- 'Christmas day'."

    Was Jesus born on December 25th? No one knows. The Judean hills may have been too cold for the flocks in December; it depends on the year. Is it proper to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on a different day than His actual birth date? The Watchtower read on December 15, 1926, "The event is so important that it is always appropriate to call it to the minds of the people, regardless of the date" (Watchtower--Dec. 15, 1926, p. 371). Similarly, Americans know the date of Lincoln's birthday yet people often celebrate it on a different day. Why? It is the memory that Americans appreciate not the emphasis on an exact date. Does Scripture forbid celebrating Jesus' birth? Jehovah's Witnesses often remark, "We are to remember Jesus' death not His birth." Consider the Scriptures. Who set the precedent for a proper response to this birth? In Luke 2:8-14, you find it was the inhabitants of Heaven! This fact alone assures us that Jehovah definitely approves of celebrating the birth of Christ. Opposition came but only from the kingdom of Satan. We read, that Jesus' birth is to be characterized by (quote) "the glory of the Lord" and "great joy!" For who? For "all people!" "A multitude of heavenly host" was joyous with celebration and praise! Do you suppose the shepherds stood back and said, "Oh, I just don't see what all of those angels get so excited about!" No, they joined Heaven and celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ! The context commends celebration as the proper response. Scripture does not forbid celebrating the birth of Christ. Jesus was at "the feast of the dedication" in John 10:22. This was not an official celebration day. Yet we do not find that Jesus criticized or refused to participate in the celebration. While we are not specifically commanded to celebrate Jesus' birthday, we are not brought into bondage. God grants freedom in this area.

    What about the pagan origins of Christmas? Let's consider the word "December" written on the front of every Watchtower magazine this month. Historically, we know the name is of pagan origin. We ask, is the Watchtower Society a pagan religion for identifying and using the names of the months? Watchtower readers would say, "No. Of course not!" The Jehovah's Witnesses are not recommending the worship of Greek gods by using something common to both cultures. Critics today want to know about the origin Christmas lights. Do Christian people attach pagan meanings to lights or other decorations? No. Of course not! Rather, lights remind God's people about Jesus! Jesus said, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life" John 8:12. What about Hebrew Scriptures referring to ungodly people decorating a tree? Read the context of those Old Testament passages. The person was making an idol to worship. To say that people who enjoy Christmas really worship Christmas trees is simply not honest! Jehovah's Witnesses do not worship the symbol of the Watchtower as it appears on Kingdom Hall's or in their magazines. Neither do Christians worship the cross on a building or a tree in their living rooms.

    The real problems of Christmas are in the commercialism which steals the focus from the Lord or in the exultation of mythology over reality (Santa Claus versus the Lord). Satan will do everything he can to distract you from celebrating Christ. Should Christians really be giving Jesus praise? Remember how Jesus commended the children who praised Him, saying the stones would cry out if they stopped (Luke 19:37-40)? When was the last time you heard someone from the Kingdom Hall praise Jesus? If Jesus does not receive worshipful honor equal to the Fathers, your honor of the Father is not acceptable to God (John 5:23). From the very beginning people "worshipped him" speaking of Jesus (Matthew 3:11), not "him and her" (Mary) as in Roman Catholicism. Was Jesus actually worshipped by His disciples, or does the Watchtower Bible accurately suggest otherwise? Test the New World Translation by the Greek. See how the Watchtower translates the following verses, then simply compare the Greek spellings by means of the Kingdom Interlinear Translation. The exact worship that the Father receives is what God's people must give to Jesus Christ. Compare: (Rev. 22:8 with Mark 2:2), (Rev. 5:14 with Mat. 2:11; 14:33; 28:9,17), and (Heb. 11:21 with Mark 5:6 and John 9:38). Who is the Christ child born in Bethlehem? Isaiah called Him the "Mighty God" (Isaiah 9:6). Then Isaiah went on to clarify in this context that the "Mighty God" is Jehovah Himself (Isaiah 10:20).

    What about gift-giving? Good-will to all men is so commendable! Judge Rutherford, one of the Watchtower presidents, was very excited about his "numerous Christmas presents" (Watchtower--Jan. 15, 1919, p. 31). If gift-giving is acceptable for a Jehovah' s Witness on other days of the year, why not on December 25th? That is logical, isn't it? God's only condition for celebrations is to do so "unto the Lord" (Romans 14:5,6). Do not glorify Satan or any of the works of the flesh listed in Galatians 5:19-21. A Christian Christmas is a stumbling-block when people oppose the message of the birth of Christ, but not for Christians. To the followers of Jesus Christ, Christmas is a stepping-stone for worship! What an opportunity to point people to Christ through our testimonies, gospel tracts, and greeting cards. What is the best gift? The best gift to give to the Lord is yourself. He wants you! Jehovah offers you the gift of salvation through His Son. "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Rom. 6:23b). Salvation is through the Son; not through an organization. Scripture declares that salvation is a free gift. No one with common sense would reach for a purse to pay for a gift! You simply receive any good gift with gratitude (Rom. 4:4; 11:6; Gal. 3:24). The Watchtower teaches you that salvation is through "Working hard for the reward of eternal life" (Watchtower--April 15, 1972, p. 491). Eternal life is not a reward. Rewards are for those who earn them by the right kind of works.

    What does God say? Salvation is a free gift! "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast" (Eph. 2:8,9). Salvation is not by faith "and by works." Just believe! Embrace the Lord Jesus Christ to accept God's gift to you! "But as many as received him (Jesus), to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" (John 1:12). How do you receive Jesus? "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord (or Jehovah N.W.T.) shall be saved" (Rom. 10:13)! Note that the Lord Jehovah is identified as Jesus in verse 9. The thought is connected by the word "for" in each of the verses. Call upon Jesus today! Trust His sacrifice for sin at Mount Calvary. Believe that He kept His word in raising Himself from the dead (John 2:18-22). Make this December the best ever. You can become a child of God today and enjoy the benefits forever!

    Chuck Brocka....feel free to pass this on

  • bebu

    There are a LOT of festivals commanded in the Bible. Jews added in Purim (explained in Esther) and Hanukkah. Even Jesus celebrated Hanukkah, even though it wasn't commanded nor even part of the OT scriptures.

    I think God likes good parties.


  • Kenneson

    A comment about Christmas trees.

    Isaiah 60:13 states that "The glory of Lebanon shall come to you: the juniper, the cypress, the plane and the pine. To bring beauty to my sanctuary, and glory to the place where I set my feet."

    I don't see where God would have any problems with Christmas trees, do you?

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