Have any of you experienced a spiritual 'dead end'?

by truth_about_the_truth 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • truth_about_the_truth

    Let's face it...most of us were or still are a part of this org. because we felt a need to bring some meaning or purpose into our lives.

    At the beginning there are lot of things that catch our attention, seem to make sense and feel ourselves progressing as individuals.

    Upon studying, meditating, pioneering, reaching out for privileges, etc. (doing everything the society pushes). Did you reach a point where you felt that you hit a wall?

    - Reaching out for privileges no longer is fulfilling and significant to you personally

    - Pioneering, been there, done that....doesn't do it for you

    - Bethel, ditto

    - Study and meditation, in order to keep progressing you need to accept the 'deeper things of God' like the ridiculous interpretations of the Isaiah, Daniel, Revelation book.

    I feel that there is no limit to growing genuine spirituality. However, when it comes to the WT brand of 'spirituality' you reach a stagnation (is that a word?) point.

    Has any of you experienced this as well?

    Time to move on....

  • Heatmiser

    I ran into that the day I was born. It took me 22 years to leave.

  • Dustin

    I ran into a spiritual dead end about 3 years ago. I really want nothing to do with God ever again. I wouldn't call it hate for him, more of a disgust at his lack of ability to save a world that needs him. I've really come to believe that he either doesn't exist, or just doesn't care. So i have come to display the same apathy towards him. I threw my bible in the garbage, and have tried not to look back at a God who uses guilt and fear to control us. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just feel a sense of hopelessness for the future. If God is out there I certainly don't think he cares about me. I'm now finally starting to be O.K. with that.


  • JamesThomas

    Anything other than silent conscious-awareness of Life (void of mental interpretation and commentary), is a "spiritual dead end" -- because it's all just conceptual.


  • lilybird

    I have been disassociated for 18 years now. It was tiring to me spiritually to always having to prove my devotion to the org. By time spent in field service, by how many meetings I attended and whether I was doing as others felt was right. I don't think a caring God really cares about these "showy displays" which JW's were always saying was wrong anyways. Just because you put in time in field service and gave talks, came to all the meetings, didn't make you a better Christian than others. Just showed you were a sucker for recongnition from ppl. as far as I am concerned.

  • kes152

    Greetings truth,

    May you have peace.

    Everyone who joins the organization of Jehovah's witnesses will always experience a spiritual 'dead end.' The reason this is because Jehovah's witnesses do not have the truth, nor do they have the One by means of whom truth comes from. They do not know him, and they do not know his Father either. When witnesses of Jehovah are baptized in the organization, they do not receive the free gift of holy spirit. Instead they receive more 'books' and more 'meeting attendance' requirements and their service in the door to door work should increase.

    The problem with this is.. none of these things are what what Christ did for those who followed him. Anyone, including Jehovah's witnesses, who reads the Bible knows this; but rarely will anyone openly talk about it for fear they have been misled into the "wrong religion." When the Christ was raised from the dead, he gave to those who loved him the free gift of holy spirit. Holy spirit came upon them and brought peace to them such that thier spirits became 'stronger' and more peaceful. Then, as the Father had sent him forth, he also sent them forth with the free gift of holy spirit to give to anyone asking, anyone seeking, anyone wishing, anyone knocking (John 20:19-23). It was by means of the holy spirit that they had a real spirituality and through such spirit their spirits bore fruit of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, kindness, faith, and self-control. Such became so fulfilling and so rewarding that they went out and shared this free gift with others... forgiving the sins of others, releasing ones from bondage to sin and sicknesses, raising the dead ones, making the weak ones strong, and letting them know that all these things were made possible by the name of the Son of God who was raised from the dead.

    The witnesses as well as the rest of religion does not 'preach' this way, neither do they have the free gift of holy spirit. That is why they are a "religion" and that is why they take money from their members under the guise of serving God only to use such money to pay wages that they think they deserve for the work they do. They do not know him who is in the heavens and because they do not know him; all those who join religion will always come to a spiritual dead end. All who come to the Christ and receive from him the free gift of holy spirit and come to know him will always "grow" in their spirituality as often and as fast as they 'wish it.' Christ has no need for anyone's money, anyone's "attendance" nor anyone's appearance. He has all things and it is actually "he" who wants to give to US. He would like for us to learn from him.. and give what he gives to us... to others. no religion, no building, no preachers.. just you and him.

  • Jaypeeto

    After becoming a Catholic, I went thru a spiritual dry period during which I sort of lost interest in my faith. At that time, I began reading books by atheists and skeptics, and they for a time convinced me that Jesus never existed and that Christianity was invented by Paul and that there was no God. This lasted for a few months. But then I sat down with my NT and read Paul's letters carefully and slowly. I could find no hint of deceit in this man. And I re-read the Gospels, slowly. Gradually my faith returned and I returned to weekly church services and a regular personal prayer life. I now have a better understanding of atheists and agnostics and their concerns, having read some of their literature, and I'm thankful for that. Love, Jaypeeto

  • Honesty

    Only when I was a spiritual, physical and mental slave of the WTBTS.

  • BrendaCloutier

    I never... never felt anything spiritual in the org. Never felt a connection with "god" or with the universe after about 6 years old or so, until I left. And then, I didn't establish any connection until I dedicated myself to working the program of Alcoholics Anonomous. Here I was able to form the begining of a belief structure and make a connection with a non-human higher power.

    At one point in my life, after being sober for a couple years, I found myself backed into a corner. I had been hearing "god only gives you what you can handle in a day". Well, it seemed like this god was dumping on me, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna take it for he,she,it, or they!

    I realized at this point that I needed to give some serious thought as to who god is and why I'm dealing with this crap. I also felt that if the answer was that god was dumping on me, I'd short circuit "him" and end it all (suicide but I wasn't serious about it).

    I came to the conclusion that life dumps on us, and "god" "higher power" "jesus" "so-n-so's door knob" helps us through "it". Along the idea of "Footprints In The Sand" poem.

    Lately I've been at a plateau in my spiritual progress, and getting bored with it. So it's time to do some more exploration, reconnect, and take "it" further.

    Hugs on your journey's


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