Great News!!!

by Dawn 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn

    My father-in-law has been very ill - has a bad heart valve. I am really close to my in-laws as they have pretty much adopted me as their daughter. I lost my dad a few years ago and my father-in-law is like my father to me. My brothers are JW's and don't talk to me - and my mother (also a JW) has only limited contact with me - so my husband's family is all I have.

    He went in for open heart surgery this morning to have a heart valve replaced - this was supposedly the first of two and possibly three open heart surgeries he would have to have. Not only has he made it so far with flying colors - but the surgeon said they were able to repair EVERYTHING in this one surgery and he won't have to have any more. He was off the ventilator within 2 hours. He had a four hour surgery staring at 7:30am this morning and was up, sitting in a chair, and talking to us at 3:00pm today. I am SOO SOO SOOO GREATFUL!.

    They will keep him for a few days as he's not out of the danger zone yet - but the Dr. says he's bouncing back so fast that they probably won't even keep him the normal 7 days - he may get to come home in 4.

    After loosing my own father to a heart attack, then my brother to a murder both in the last few years - this is just such a great relief. It looks like I will have my adopted dad/father-in-law around for a long time to come.

    Just had to share my great news - we are all so relieved here tonight!

  • carefully faded
    carefully faded


    I'm so happy to hear your great news! I too lost my dad to a heart attack.

    Sounds like they have fixed up your father-in-law really well. I'm glad for you!

    - CF

  • bebu


    That's great news, alright! And what a relief that future operations are not needed!!

    Hope you can all get some good rest tonight. I'll bet that the last few days and hours have been emotionally draining...

    Take care,


  • prophecor

    Hi Dawn

    I am so happy for you and your in-laws. They're a true blessing, a calm for your storm. It is such a waste of emotional human energy to concern oneself with the horrid practices of shunning.

  • orangefatcat

    That is great news Dawn. I am so happy for your and your adoped father.

    Take care and good luck and may his recovery be speedy.

    all the best


  • Dawn

    Thank you all for your kind words. I found it somewhat comforting - in a way only you all would understand - to know that there would be no JW's around this time.

    When my father was in for open heart surgery he was an elder and I was DF'd - although my father never shunned me and I took care of him and my mother. So I was there at the hospital for the whole week, surrounded by JW's, some of who would be courteous enough to say hello - but most of whom would leave the room with my mom so they could comfort her without being in the "presence of a wicked one" so to speak. I was so sad, so scared, and so isolated. It was a relief when my husband was there because at least I had someone around who was just there to be supportive and didn't give a $hit about what my beliefs were.

    When my brother was murdered his congregation was much nicer, but they still made it a point to let me know that they were being supportive only because I was his sister and was there to take care of his things and arrange to have his body sent home (gee thanks ). Although - I have to say that his best friend (an elder) was truly a good christian - he never once treated me like an outsider and told me before I left that he thought I was a good person and respected me and that I could call on him any time.

    This time around my husband's family and our friends were all together to support each other - it didn't matter who was christian, who was athiest, who believed what - we were just there for each other and for my father-in-law. Although it was very scary and a lot of tears have been shed over the past week - it was comforting to feel like I was one of the family and not an "outsider".

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