If You Can't ask Questions Can It Be The Truth?

by D wiltshire 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    If one has the Truth he invites questions, because they will only confirm it with answers.

    If one has 1/2 truths then only certain type of questions are wanted ones that they can answer.

    If questions that are hard or that really challenge the holder of 1/2 truths are supressed and the questioner motives are attacked, should it not make any clear thinking person suspicious?

    If you are one of JW's can you asked hard questions and not be afraid of being veiwed with suspicion and contempt?

    Any JWs please respond.

  • Copernicus
    If you are one of JW's can you ask hard questions and not be afraid of being viewed with suspicion and contempt?

    A “real” JW doesn’t have any questions, hard or otherwise. Because if he did, he wouldn’t be a “real” JW anymore, and would therefore be deserving of suspicion and contempt.

    Just the view from my side of the picture window.

  • patio34

    Hi DWiltshire,

    2 replies to your questions:

    1. There was just a thread a couple of days ago (disfellowshipping or disassociating?) that Simon (the proprietor of this board) related his story. He was forcibly disassociated for asking questions.

    2. JanG has an applicable quotation:

    "I'd rather have questions I can't answer than have questions I can't ask (or answers I can't question)."

    Oh! And welcome to this board!.


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