how longs a year?

by sleepy 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    I've seen a lot of talk on various sites about the gentile times belief of the witnesses. One thing I haven't found any info on is how the society calculates the lenght of a year.
    Please let me explain.
    The 7 times in Daniel are suppossed to represent 7 years.
    But for some reason these are special years as they are not a year at all but 360 days.So they call this a prophetic year because of course it isn't a year.
    Now back in Bible times no one knew how long a real year was which is the time it takes the earth to go round the sun ,so they had different ways to estimate a year , mostly nations including Israel and Babylon used lunar calanders ,they had about 354 days .so you ended up running behind real years so you needed lots of leap years to catch up.
    This brings me to the next point. The society says that after you change 7 times into 7 years of 360 days you most now change a day into a year.But of what lenght are those years?
    The society assumes 3651/4 days as per our year, but the Jews or the Babylonians never knew a year of this lenght, it's totally a modern calculation.So we a year of 360 days then a day for a year but this year is 3651/4 days even though no one used that back then.
    What basis is there for all these different types of years being used in a single prophecy?
    This applies to the prophecy of the coming of the messiah too.
    How could the jews work out the time of his coming if that prophecy is based on the modern calander: 455bc-29ad are not dates they could have used as they didn't exist back then.
    The point is there has never been a standered year untill recent history so lenghts of years have varied greatly in the past therfore it is not logicall to concluded without explaination that if you change a day for a year that you use modern years not ancient years.

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