strange quote from creator book

by sleepy 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Couldn't help noticing this strange quote in the creator book last week.
    On pg. 167 p 1 it says "One buddhist woman said: " I thought it did not make sense to have to suffer for something I was born with but about which I knew nothing. I had to accept it as my destiny "She found this explanation of suffering unsatisfactory. You may also."
    Why do I think this is strange ? What if you change the name Buddhist to witness?
    Isn't this statment also fitting as to what witnesses belive about inheriting sin from Adam?

  • Fredhall


    I hope Romans 5:12 is not strange to you.

  • outnfree

    Dear Sleepy,

    Welcome to the Board!

    Your insight into the Adamic sin parallel with the buddhist woman's quote (about the doctrine of reincarnation?) is quite valid.

    The Watchtower Society puts all sorts of things into their articles and publications which they fail to turn back on themselves as they should be, to see if they are as flawed as the ones they are criticizing!

    Seems to me that though you're "Sleepy," you're waking up!


  • willy_think

    you are right sleepy.


    how does romans 6.18-21 fit with the WT.

    who do you serve?

    the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.

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