Response to Crossroads

by TR 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR
    TR-----I'm very disappointed in you because you go
    in directly opposite directions in your posts please
    stay consistant ol' man.Lets see now "You are PROUD
    of the U.S. being able to kick some ass" Tell me please
    is this statement about foriegn or domestic policy.

    What does it matter? I'll stick by my statement.

    If it's foreign like I think you talking about. Jefferson
    and Cohorts did not allow for us to "KICK SOME
    OVERSEAS BUTT". As late as the 1940's America
    was a isolationist country like the forfathers wanted
    us to be so no "kicking butt on your conservative watch"

    So what.

    Your proud that we go running when some country
    is getting it's ass kicked and screams for help.
    Thats a terrible statement way to many holes.
    First tell me what countries screams for the hollier
    than thou U. S. to help them. Most if not all scream
    for us to stay the hell out of there business.Also our
    conservitive constitution does not allow for our boys
    to fight in such wars our boys our not suppose to
    die over somebody else's land. Your a Jefferson fan
    look it up.Also sending our boys cost lots and lots
    and lots of money.


    In resisting the aggression against it, the Republic of Vietnam is exercising its right of self defense. It called upon us and other states for assistance. And in the exercise of the right of collective self defense under the United Nations Charter, we and other nations are providing such assistance. –Dean Rusk- American Foreign policy and International Law

    Saudi Arabia

    1990 he(Saddam Hussein) invaded Kuwait and in less than 4 hours he had taken Kuwait and controlled 24% of the worlds oil supplies. It seemed as if his next target was Saudi Arabia.
    This was where the United States entered after a call for protection by Saudi Arabia. -

    But you are also proud that " we send BILLIONS of dollars to third world countries"

    Bullshit- I didn't say that I was proud of that. But, we can benefit from helping countries become producing countries.

    Tell me TR how ya gonna cut taxes that way. Sounds
    like your pretty damn liberal to me. Are you saying
    spending TRILLIONS of dollars on things outside
    the country and not allowed for in the constitution
    thats CONSERVATIVE. But spending BILLIONS on
    U.S. citizens is liberal.

    What kind of bull is that? Now you're making up shit that I didn't say.

    If you are you must have went
    to school with JR too because you speak with fork
    tongue. Jefferson just laughs and laughs and laughs.
    Hey conservatives and taxes "read my lips now NO
    new taxes" pops forgot to add until I'm elected. Under
    Reagan we had our biggest tax increase's in histroy .
    TR come on make some sense out of what your posting.

    Bush couldn’t get the support he needed from the democrat controlled congress.

    In 1981, Congress enacted the largest tax cut in U.S. history, approximately $750 billion over six years. - Ernst & Young LLP

    Tell me, who was president in 1981?

    Conrad cast the deciding vote for the 1993 Clinton/Conrad Tax Bill, a five-year, $240 billion tax increase -- the largest tax increase in history. (CQ Vote #247, 8/6/93) -

    What president was responsible for the largest tax increase in history?


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • crossroads

    TR------I was hoping to come back and say well done
    my brother. But it looks like you have learned well from
    brooklyn. Because you went back and rewrote your
    comments just like the cult you say sucks I guess you
    do to. In your origanal response you were proud of this
    proud of that---no questions where asked STATEMENTS
    were made.

    Now your first response's here are like a spoil rotten kid
    "I DON'T CARE"

    Vietnam-----I don't know if you actually know anybody
    that was there but i do. My brother twice my favorite cousin
    (who BTW lost a lung over there) once and a bunch of
    my twin sisters friends. The PEOPLE there wanted us to
    get the hell out they HATED us.Also De Gaulle(I know my spelling sucks) told us after the French were there for 25 YEARS to stay out you can't win a war in southeast asia.

    As far as the gulf war----We were there for our greed and
    to preserve are current way of life it is called OIL OIL OIL .
    Case closed BTW of the two decent cabinet members
    that bush has the current Secrartary of State was AGAINST
    the war but was over ruled. Thats why Powell is Secrartary
    of State and not Secrartary of Defense the job he wanted.

    Taxes my friend well----liars figure and figures lie. I know
    this in the 70's I only paid social security taxes until april
    or may. But once Regean got done with raping the trust
    fund to give us a tax cut ha ha ha ha and started out spending
    the U.S.S.R. on defense WE all pay ALL year and that tax my
    brother is represive. As for pops promise if he couldn't
    deliver it he shouldn't have promised it.

    The reason you are PROUD to be an AMERICAN is because
    your a bully and America has the power and money to kick ass case closed.

    I guess I should have never thought highly of you from the
    start ,it was probably the guitar.

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