Make your own prophecy...

by melmac 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • melmac

    The "composite sign" given by Jesus could relate to many centuries in the past, and will no doubt fit many centuries in the future. It's by no means a "fingerprint", as religions (especially dubs) will have it.

    Now, if YOU were in Jesus' shoes and were to give an ummistakable sign, what would it be?

  • AlmostAtheist

    "Teacher, how will we know when the end will come?"

    "It'll be on August 10th, 2010 at about fivish. Bring a covered dish. And I'll be sure to phone you up the week before in case you forget."

    (No way would I leave something important like this up to the imaginations of people two-millenia removed to just figure out.)


  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    "But when you see the Watchtower surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. Then let those publishers who are in her flee to the mountains......"

  • frankiespeakin

    Matt.31: 3-12 Teacher tell us what will be the sign of your majestic presents,,

    Sure,, be delighted to ah lets see hmmmm,,o yeah,,there will be earthquakes,,,,sickness,,, people will be robing one another,,, there will be no natural affection,, oh yeah and don't forget wars,, mean nasty bloody wars. People will be starving to death,,stars will be falling from the sky and causeing lots of damage. The sea will turn to blood and all the fish will die,,and scabs from the blood will form on the ships,, then the cloud will make wierd images in the sky,,some clouds will look like chariots and others like a witch having a bad hair day. When you see these terrible thing rejioce because I'm gonna kill all the unbeleivers and spare you guys because you beleive in me.

  • stillajwexelder

    It si the year 2035 and Armaggeddon is just around the corner - the new system is so close you can almost smell it

  • Satanus


    You have a pm.


  • ballistic

    OK, my prophesy is that the figure for the number of memorial partakers will never reach zero while the organisation exists.

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