butt-bruisin' CO puffed-up with CO2

by wheelwithinwheel 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • wheelwithinwheel

    Twenty years ago our congregation had to live with a real butt-bruising presiding overseer. He had plenty of counsel for everyone. When ministerial servants or other elders were on the platform, giving a talk, he would raise his hand and comment, even when the KM didn’t suggest audience participation. His favorite trick was to give an elders part to a ministerial servant, then, after the brother got into the part, raise his hand and give his personal opinion of the main points to be emphasized. Some of us ministerial servants got wise to his tricks and pretended not to see his arm swaying back and forth in the audience all the way through our talks.

    One day I opened my big mouth to an elder about another elders dishonest business dealing. I was upset that the other elders were turning a blind eye. I told him I felt I would have to talk to the C.O about it. When the C.O came for his visit I was herded into the second school with all the elders. Butt-bruiser began by saying, "So, I hear you’re not happy with the way I’m running my congregation"... the C.O added some threats and then I was subjected to a thorough theocratic spanking.

    Old butt-bruiser worked hard over the years, making friends in high places, and finally took an early retirement ... making himself available. The WT scooped him up and you guessed it ? Our new C.O

    He visited this week. We sure understand now why the NWT uses the term « puffed-up ». His head was so swollen, they couldn’t get him through the hall door. The brothers made an emergency call to the regional building committee which managed to find two pioneer brothers with the necessary carpentry knowledge. The only problem was they lived 5 hours away. After the two young brothers were reassured that they would have a service time credit which could include their traveling time, they made the five hour trip to our hall. The elder body called a meeting in the second school and finally decided to remove the door and moldings. In this fashion and adding a touch of Brill-Cream, they were able to squeeze our C.O into the hall. A temporary hinged plywood panel was installed for his weeks visit. One of the spiritually weak brothers made the comment that if his head swells any more they’ll have to demolish the brick wall. I guess the elders are sort of worried too because they asked the pioneer brothers to stay « on call at the hall as needed » . I guess the pioneers’ll have a great service report this month. Should bring up the national average. Ha-Ha ! !

    At the C.O.'s first meeting a new elder gave the part on serving in unassigned territory. Too bad the new elder didn’t know BB from years back. He was developing his part when the hand shot up. BB informed the congregation that there was no need for anyone to think of serving elsewhere. 39 local territories hadn’t been done for over a year. « New elder » sort of didn’t know how to finish his part. He stumbled through it, looking as if he felt « apostatish » to go on with the Society’s idea of helping out elsewhere. Then one of the « Elder’s Choice » young ones got up and did the Bible reading. Finally it was BB’s turn. He began his talk to the congregation by counseling the 9-year-old on how to properly hold his Bible, then he really got chugging. He related all the telephone calls he had made to inactive and irregular ones in the congregation, giving details of the conversations. Then he went on to say that certain ones in the hall weren’t fit to be called J.W.’s because they weren’t preaching. He talked about zero increase and said it was worse than zero because as many left as were baptized last year. I must say, a thoroughly encouraging talk. Very timely. We can hardly contain our anticipation for the rest of the week, especially the local needs parts.

    It made me realize what a wonderful organization we are part of. We should be thankful to the G.B. for the constant reminders to keep us trotting down the straight and narrow. Seeing the example of our presiding overseer after all these years of faithful service underlines how meetings, service, prayer, and the timely articles in the Watchtower can help one develop the spiritual qualities necessary to shepherd.

  • ozziepost

    Interesting account, but how glad I am that I wasn't there!

    BTW the Society says we meet for "worship". What worship did your elders lead the congregation in during that meeting?


    "So often, the unpolished
    the disjointed
    Is on its way to the truth
    Ahead of the finished
    the polished."

    Ken Walsh, Sometimes I Weep

  • hippikon

    Are special arrangements being made for his next visit? Special throne and a fork lift truck perhaps.

  • HoChiMin

    The hall I formally attended has a P.O. That could fit right in with your big head boy.
    This man was constantly on our backs with his own agenda and to top it off he was of very low intelligence. He once made a newbie quit her job in a hospital because he thought it was against WT policy ,against her husbands wishes and my advice not to quit she still did. They almost lost their house.

    Dumb people in positions of power can cause a lot of trouble in a cult setting.


  • Moxy

    hehe, nice post. please tell us about fri and sunday if possible.

    re: calls to inactive and irregular. did he actually use names or details that allowed the audience to infer identities?


  • slipnslidemaster
    re: calls to inactive and irregular. did he actually use names or details that allowed the audience to infer identities?

    You really need to ask that question?

    Slipnslidemaster: "But at my back I always hear Time's winged chariot hurrying near."
    - Andrew Marvell

  • LDH

    Well, it looks like they got the right man for the job!


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Come on,you've got to put a name to this bozo so people can be prepared if he comes to their congregation.

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