The Sea Organization - part of Scientology. A *MUST* Read

by pr_capone 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • pr_capone

    Wow... I couldnt stop reading this. No offence really intended to any of you out there who believe this but you all are nutters!

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • candidlynuts

    after reading this.. i think the church of gary has a fighting chance of success.

  • Gill

    He,he! What a bunch of Mooses! Though I think, on this occassion that could be an insult to Mooses!

  • harleyquinn

    having spent 4 years working for a business run by scientologists i can assure you that this stuff is just the tip of the about your wacky cults and crazy people....most of the higher members never even completed high school and, like another religion we all know and love, higher education (not through their own methods) is highly discouraged....

  • Heatmiser

    I used to think scientology sounded cool a few years ago, untill I did some research. Makes the WTBS look like amatuers.

  • MegaDude

    I would pick the Jehovah's Witness cult experience over Scientology if I was forced to choose between undergoing one or the other. Scientology is relentless about taking every cent you have and putting you into massive debt to get more. They sell enlightenment and bamboozle you into spending more and more money to get the complete knowledge of Scientology . I've met professionals (dentists) that have been suckered into spending tens of thousands on this nonsense. Scientology was started by a science fiction writer who wanted to make money. The organization is ruthless to the core in pursuing people and press who print an expose on them. Time Magazine was dragged through the courts for years over their cover story on Scientology. Time eventually won, but in a way, so did Scientology. Their purpose is to discourage anyone of note of exposing their scam and anyone who goes against them knows they are going to be hassled by them in a big way.

  • bikerchic

    Hubby and I had the pleasure of attending a Landmark Forum event which reeked of cultish behavior. We knew nothing about this organization, in fact the tickets were bought for us by a JW who has gone thorough all of their programs. Within the first half hour of the program we knew we didn't want anything to do with the organization but stayed for the whole three days just to get the goods on 'em. Man our "cult" radar was going amuck........been there done that.

    Oh almost forgot to mention The Landmark Forum is a branch or break off of Scientology and L Ron Hubbard, est. and Werner Erhard. Another funny thing we did is sat in defiance of the rules to not sit with your mate! The facilitator would keep saying the rule and look directly at us but never actually confronted us about it but we were waiting for him to, LOL.

  • vitty

    There are quite a few famous people who are into scientology. Tom Cruise, Anne Archer and Johm Travolta they seem really happy with it.

  • Mutz

    There is an mp3 you can download at where a former member talks about his time with Scientology.
    I agree with Heatmiser, as cults go they make the WT look like a bunch of amateurs.

  • coffee_black

    Amazingly, the Church of Scientology won the "Cult Awareness Network" a number of years ago when they sued because CAN identified them as a cult. As a settlement, they got the only asset that CAN held..its' name. So, when someone calls the Cult Awareness Network for info on cults or direction to counseling, they are talking to a Scientologist..... Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing!!!!!!


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