Jehovahs protection during disasters - need WT article

by Bonnie_Clyde 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    After reading the posts about the witnesses who attended the Kingdom Hall on the east side of the island in Sri Lanka and were not affected by the tsunami, and the story about the two brothers who were in service up in the mountains instead of sunbathing and they were spared, made me think of a couple of articles I read in the WT several years ago.

    One was about a tornado in Elkhart, Indiana. It may have been the Palm Sunday tornado of 1964. The witnesses who attended the meeting were safe, but some who did not attend were killed. The WT clearly implied that those at the Kingdom Hall had Jehovah's protection, and I really believed it. My mindset was shattered a few years later when I read aboutt a mudslide. It may have been in Mexico or perhaps South America--doesn't matter. As I remember it, the brothers who fled downhill to seek refuge in the Kingdom Hall perished but those who fled uphill out of the path of the mudslide survived.

    I've tried doing a search for these articles but can't find them. Can anyone help?

    Also, my husband read an article about three days ago about Catholics who felt they were spared because they were in church when the disaster hit. I asked him to save the article, but he forgot to.

  • DaCheech

    The WT's reasoning is flawed. If Jehovah protect, then he has to do it all the time!

  • ezekiel3

    From Draw Close to Jehovah:

    *** cl chap. 7 pp. 72-74 Protective Power?"God Is for Us a Refuge" ***

    What Divine Protection Does Not Mean


    The promise of divine protection does not mean that Jehovah is obligated to work miracles in our behalf. No, our God does not guarantee us a problem-free life in this old system. Many faithful servants of Jehovah face severe adversities, including poverty, war, sickness, and death. Jesus plainly told his disciples that as individuals they might be put to death because of their faith. That is why Jesus stressed the need for endurance to the end. (Matthew 24:9, 13) If Jehovah were to use his power to effect miraculous deliverance in all cases, there might be a basis for Satan to taunt Jehovah and to call into question the genuineness of our devotion to our God.?Job 1:9, 10.


    Even in Bible times, Jehovah did not use his protective power to shield each of his servants from untimely death. For example, the apostle James was executed by Herod in about 44 C.E.; yet, shortly afterward, Peter was delivered "out of Herod?s hand." (Acts 12:1-11) And John, the brother of James, outlived both Peter and James. Clearly, we cannot expect our God to protect all his servants in identical ways. Besides, "time and unforeseen occurrence" befall us all. (Ecclesiastes 9:11) How, then, does Jehovah protect us today?


    Provides Physical Protection


    Consider, first, the matter of physical protection. As Jehovah?s worshipers, we can expect such protection as a group. Otherwise, we would be easy prey for Satan. Think about this: Satan, "the ruler of this world," would like nothing more than to eliminate true worship. (John 12:31; Revelation 12:17) Some of the most powerful governments on earth have banned our preaching work and have tried to wipe us out completely. Yet, Jehovah?s people have remained firm and have continued to preach without letup! Why have mighty nations been unable to put a stop to the activity of this relatively small and seemingly defenseless group of Christians? Because Jehovah has shielded us with his powerful wings!?Psalm 17:7, 8.


    What about physical protection during the coming "great tribulation"? We need not fear the execution of God?s judgments. After all, "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial, but to reserve unrighteous people for the day of judgment to be cut off." (Revelation 7:14; 2 Peter 2:9) In the meantime, we can always be certain of two things. First, Jehovah will never allow his loyal servants to be effaced from the earth. Second, he will reward integrity keepers with everlasting life in his righteous new world?if necessary, by means of a resurrection. For those who die, there is no safer place to be than in God?s memory.?John 5:28, 29.


    Even now, Jehovah safeguards us through his living "word," which has the motivating power to heal hearts and reform lives. (Hebrews 4:12) By applying its principles, we can in some respects be protected from physical harm. "I, Jehovah, am . . . teaching you to benefit yourself," says Isaiah 48:17. Without question, living in harmony with God?s Word can improve our health and extend our life. For example, because we apply the Bible?s counsel to abstain from fornication and to cleanse ourselves of defilement, we avoid the unclean practices and hurtful habits that wreak havoc in the lives of many ungodly ones. (Acts 15:29; 2 Corinthians 7:1) How thankful we are for the protection of God?s Word!

    No guarantees. But that doesn't stop the rumors. Most JWs will say that if Jehovah "needs you" for the outworking of his purpose you would be saved.

  • Alwayshere

    No one is protected during disasters. The Bible says "Unforeseen occurrences befall all" [Ecclesiastes 9:11 The Bible also says "God is not partial." [Acts 10:34] Some are just in the wrong place at the wrong time.The Watchtower Society is a cult. Hope none of you are in it. I waisted most of my life in it and trying to get my kids out without being DF.They barely speak now because I quit going but thats better than nothing.Hoping someday something I have said or the Society will make another prediction about the end of the world one and that wakes them up.

  • peacefulpete

    They offer anecdotes that imply as much but then write that noone has a promise of protection. This is a rather obvious strategy employed by all religions. .......... "Yes god loves you and will never let the righteous' foot strike a stone (Ps 91) but when it does happen, he still cares. And the best odds are with us!"

    The writer of Q (sourced in Luke 4 and Matt 4) by refuting one passage with another tried to resolve the obvious tension with the assumed wisdom of Jesus. IOW he was saying that only someone with godly wisdom can understand how to reconcile promises of divine protection with universal suffering.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    THe WTS regardless of their constant "some family was saved by going to a meeting" propaganda has started inumerable times (espeacially post 9/11) that Jehovah offers no type of physical protection from anything. They invented this new "spiritual" protection that is suppossed to be thoertically better. THe thing is wtf dose a 100 foot wave do to my spirit? I bet all those south asian and pacific island JWs said "I am so glad I am spiritualy protected from this oncomming water".

    On futher reading the only thing this "spiritual" protection seems to be is the "paradise" and geeky lifes style of temporance and absinance. So unless there is a disater that kills you by VD, lung cancer, and cerosis of the liver Jehovah protects every human on earth equally.

  • Valis
    The WT's reasoning is flawed. If Jehovah protect, then he has to do it all the time!

    Unless of course you are selling Avon and placing Watchtowers in the Phillipines.. Sincerely, District Overbeer

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