A Manic's Biography: The Story Of A Northern Decender Part 2

by ColdRedRain 0 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ColdRedRain


    A few of you may remember my life story a while ago and how I didn't finish up on it. What happened was my computer ate my post and I felt frustrated, then I had writers bloc.

    After having another insomnic night, I decided to write chapter 2

    Chapter 2: The Reddening of the Rain. When I was 17, that's when I first got into chat rooms. Before then, the Watchdollar decided that chat rooms were a no no. But I also craved a social network. Few wanted to talk to me at the hall, and the ones that did, were considered "Bad associates" by my family. I obviously couldn't hang out with people from my school, and I won't have to go into any reasons why, and I couldn't hang out with any of the "Spiritual ones" because they saw me as "spiritually weak" because I didn't get baptized by the time I was 17.

    So I went against the WT's belief system and started chatting online anyways. There, I discovered wit.net. I met somebody at wit.net who would later become one of my oldest and dearest friends I knew both online and offline. She's a very Sassy woman :) but then everybody in my congregation said that how she was a bad influence because she was online, then I stopped going to Jw forums. Then I went to non JW forums.

    More on this later. I'm going to bed. I have tae kwan do class in 4 hours.

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