Pulled at my heart strings

by Purza 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Purza

    So on christmas day we were staying with my fiancee's parents. My fiancee was not feeling well and I offered to go to 7-Eleven to get him some pepto (this was about 8:30 a.m.) This older man (probably in his 70s) asked me if they had any milk that was less than a gallon container. I said that I didn't work there, but I went over and found a half gallon for him. He was very appreciative.

    So I got my things together to buy and I got behind this man in the check out line. While we were waiting, the man turns around and says to me "My wife died this past Tuesday. We were married for 55 years". My heart immediately went out to him and I asked him if her death was unexpected and he said that it was. Then I asked him if he was alone today and he said he was. Right then and there I almost whipped out the number of my future in-laws to give him so that he could have dinner with us. (Although future mother-in-law would have had a coronary). Then the man said that he was going to his daughter's house later in the day so I didn't invite him over. We talked for a moment more and I patted his back and he bought his stuff and walked out.

    When I went out to the car he was in his truck next to me with his dog. And the poor guy was in tears -- he had a tissue out wiping them away. I felt so helpless -- I wanted to comfort him in some way, but I was powerless. I still feel his pain even today.

    I was so moved by this individual, that I have decided to seek out volunteer groups that deal with seniors. Our local newspaper has a volunteer section every Sunday and I saw one a while back requested volunteers with animals to visit seniors. I have a slew of animals (well 4 actually) that I thought I might be able to use to get involved somehow.

    Anyone have any other suggestions?

    Thanks for listening.


  • Been there
    Been there

    Purza, That is sooooooooooooo sad at this time of year especially it made me cry.

    He sounds like he needs and wants to talk about her. He is probably in shock. I hope his daughter will help him thru this or he may be close behind her. Men tend not to go to bereavement groups or anything.

  • maybesbabies

    Oh Purza, that made me cry! We all need to reach out more to those in need, we have become such a closed off society, "me and mine", if you will. Many think that there isn't anything they can do, but there is so much we can do by just talking to someone! I used to visit the old age homes in my town, but haven't done that since I moved. I will have to begin that again. Thank you for posting this!

  • kwintestal

    Seniors are unfortunately many times forgotten about. I think that anything that you do, even just stopping by a seniors home to spend some time and talk would brighten someone's day.


  • Purza

    It was/is very sad. I am still thinking about him today. I think seniors have a lot to offer in just their knowledge and wisdom and I think just sitting down and having a conversation with them enriches the lives of all involved. I hope this man pulls through and finds a good support group.


  • Fleur

    Oh, Purza. Bless your heart for caring so much about that man, it made me cry to read your post!

    You can start by seeking out the local senior center, if there is one. Or you can do a search online to see if your town has a volunteer program like meals on wheels that visits seniors. There are so many amazing projects out there...making blankets for nursing home residents, volunteering at hospitals...believe me there are opportunities out there if you are looking for them. Or you can see if you can find a therapy pets charity near you to get your furry babies involved!

    Old people do so often get overlooked. Thank you for caring so much.




  • Chloe

    This really got to me. My parents have been married 55 years. My mom broke her hip a couple of months ago and has been in a nursing home since then. She'll probably never get to live at home again.

    This has been so hard on my dad, too. He goes and sees her every day but it's just not the same.

    She is lucky, though because she has him and two daughters that go see her every day. There are so many people there that don't have anyone ever visit.

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    I think your thoughts are wonderful. And for you to want to get involved helping seniors is a generous gesture.

    Good luck to you, Frank

  • Billygoat

    Oh Purza, my heart hurts reading this. *gulp*

    My heart immediately went out to him and I asked him if her death was unexpected and he said that it was. Then I asked him if he was alone today and he said he was. Right then and there I almost whipped out the number of my future in-laws to give him so that he could have dinner with us. (Although future mother-in-law would have had a coronary).

    So your mother-in-law would have had a coronary. But hopefully, once you explained the situation, she would ease up and realize what a loving daughter-in-law she's about to adopt. I'm very fortunate...my in-laws are known to "love the unlovable". They both do lots of volunteering with people and pets and I'm just now understanding what that means. It means when I hear of someone that doesn't have a place for the holidays, that I am free to invite them should I choose. I always ask out of courtesy, but they WANT people to have somewhere to go for the holidays. My FIL once said "Being alone on the holidays is completely unacceptable." I take that as an open invitation to help whomever I can with those words. And if my in-laws ever do have a coronary, I will at least know I've done what I can to offer a hand of kindness to someone in need. It's been done to me more often than I can remember...I wonder if those people realize the impact they made on me.

    Be proud of yourself hon. You done good.

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