Why does the wtbts say you have to bring a sack lunch to the assemblies?

by ko38 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ko38

    I dont fully understand what the big deal is as to why you cant leave the conventions to go eat.I use to have fun working in the food department when i was younger.You could miss most of the days talks if you stuck around for cleanup.

    I helped build the assembly hall here in ST>louis.I was thrilled when they installed an ice cream area.that was the best job to have and we used to request that duty months in advance.(all the ice cream you could eat)Then when they went to the free food oh boy did I pig out.Dad always put a hundred or so in the kitty and I guess that more than covered the soy bean burgers,burritos and fruit bags that we ate.

    But now there is strong admonition to not leave the building for food as well as to stay away from vendors around district assemblies.The only reason for this that i can think of is that they dont want anyone leaving the assembly and not returning for the afternoon session after a tasty lunch and good conversation with your friends.

    Of course if a lot of people didnt return from lunch they wouldnt be there to give contributions.Thats the only reason i can come up with.What do you guys and gals think?

  • Scully
    You could miss most of the days talks if you stuck around for cleanup.

    That's part of the reason.

    The main reason, imo, is that the WTS has declined to use convention centers' concession facilities. Originally, the JWs would have hot meals prepared for the folks who came to the conventions. Then it went to sandwiches and fruit bags and frozen puddings. Finally, they eliminated meals provided by the WTS all together because there wasn't the flood of Voluntary Donations? that they hoped to get from JWs who took advantage of the system.

    Now, if JWs go off-site to eat during a convention, it gives the convention center management some evidence that their concession stands would get used if JWs allowed them to open during conventions. Why shouldn't they make some money if they are giving the WTS a "deal" on the rental of the facility? The convention centers have apparently confronted the WTS about this and it resulted in the convention center not giving the JWs as good a "deal" as they once had. Consequently the WTS has had to rent out venues in areas that have not been used in the past (and are not aware of the little scam they have going) in order to save some money. JWs aren't putting out the Voluntary Donations? like they are supposed to. And if they go out to eat, instead of bringing their own lunches, it means less money in the Contribution Boxes at the end of the day.

    Never, ever forget that JW Conventions are nothing more than a huge money grab for the WTS, and they don't want ANYONE competing with them for any part of that cash cow.

    Love, Scully

  • blondie

    If you notice, they also decreased the time between the morning and afternoon session so that there would not be enough time to go to a restaurant and return without being late (--not that that would stop some JWs).

    They have a hard enough time getting JWs there on time in the morning and not leaving early before the end.


    km 5/00 p. 5 Be Attentive to Sacred Pronouncements ***

    Imagine the excitement of the Israelites when they were told to meet Jehovah at Mount Sinai to hear his Law! (Ex. 19:10, 11, 16-19) If you have a similar attitude about receiving Jehovah?s instruction at the district convention, you will make arrangements to arrive early each day. We cannot listen to the entire program if we walk in late and disturb others by our efforts to find seats.

  • ko38

    Thats what I thought.Dad now puts 200 in the kitty due to inflation and you dont get fed.Thats a good scam.36000 x 200 hey three quarters of a mill right there not bad for 3or4 days

  • funkyderek
    *** km 5/00 p. 5 Be Attentive to Sacred Pronouncements ***

    Imagine the excitement of the Israelites when they were told to meet Jehovah at Mount Sinai to hear his Law! (Ex. 19:10, 11, 16-19) If you have a similar attitude about receiving Jehovah?s instruction at the district convention, you will make arrangements to arrive early each day. We cannot listen to the entire program if we walk in late and disturb others by our efforts to find seats.

    Wow! They're comparing their piddly little rules and regulations to the Ten Commandments. Apparently being told where to sit and what to eat is a "sacred pronouncement"

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I was such a moron growing up!!! I was practically an adult before I started having lunch outside the convention site and not coming back until the afternoon session was about to end. I was amazed at the number of teens and adults who were doing this. The smaller donations resulting from less disposable income has to be the number one consideration though.

  • missy04

    The last special assembly and convention I went to, they informed people in the meetings at the KH at least a couple times not to leave for lunch. They said mainly because it would take away from wholesome association with brothers and sisters or some crap like that. At the convention we packed a lunch and stayed..but at the special assembly we went ahead and got Subway anyway shame shame


  • mkr32208

    The last assembly I went to before I left home (not the borg I was in for another 10 years...) We left right after the first prayer and went back to the hotel to swim in the pool and flirt with the worldly girls... went back for lunch then gone right after next prayer... did this everyday for the entire assembly...

    Now here 's the hoot the four brothers that did it with us WERE ALL IN BETHEL hahahahaha

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