The Cost of 'The Truth'

by individual 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • individual

    Just thinking ..... having read posts from YouKnow concerning the impending financial destruction of the system it strikes me that he and other witnesses have a very strong desire for the system to end even looking for ways in which it could happen. They will clutch at any straw, salivating at the prospect of their imagined reward.

    At the meetings last year at the time of the petrol crisis in the UK witnesses were eager to discuss the possibility that this was the start of the tribulation, there was a real buzz of excitement that this COULD BE IT!

    Now ... the question is this, does the 'truth' cost you your humanity because not one of them gave a stuff for their neighbours, worldly friends, relatives or even any of the people in the street. All they could see was that nice new house they were going to build for themselves or the big waterside property with pool and sauna they had spotted on the ministry. This struck me at the time as being a tad selfish. They showed such a lack of concern for everyone else in society, their own desire was for what they could gain and it was SO obvious.

    So does the 'truth' cost you your humanity? With a reward that high I guess it could come at any cost.

    Upon leaving I have bought back my humanity.

  • peterstride

    After being born and raised in the borg...and finally getting out of a very unloving cult and breaking free, I must also admit that the WTS takes people's humanity away. Definately.

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • edwkey

    Biblegod is the source of their insane motivation. You know, Xjw's and JW's that in that book are passages like this one:

    "They took all the plunder and spoils, including the people and animals," [ Numbers 31:11]

    The Force be with you !!!!

  • Englishman


    Not forgetting, of course, that vulture that escaped from the zoo last week. Obviously it was meant to find a mate, breed, and fill the UK with hundreds of vultures to gobble up all us apostates.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Prisca

    Upon leaving I have bought back my humanity.

    What a powerful statement. So true too. I feel more 'human' since I left the Borg. I felt I was just a shell, with no soul. But now, I feel I am alive, and free. Oh so free.

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