Drugs and the Borg

by pratt1 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • pratt1

    A good friend of mine, who DAed himself many years ago, finally decided to enter into rehab in effort to kick his heavy drug habit.

    He is doing well and seems to really want to kick drugs for good this time and I am extremely proud of him and supportive of him in his efforts.

    He did tell me something I found surprising, that I thought I would share with you. In his group recovery class, out of 14 people, 6 are XDUBs. Most seem to have anger management problems and a feeling of worthlessiness because of not being an active DUB. He said that a few have even mentioned that when the started using drugs they just assumed that they would be destroyed soon at Armegedon anyway so it didn't matter if the abused their bodies.

    Have any of you heard or seen a connection between abuse of drugs and the Borg?

  • new light
    new light

    Being DF'ed at 16 definitely sent me packing on a self-destructive drug and alcohol experimental binge that still has effects. Anyone who is not happy as a child is prone to escapist behavior. I don't think that, in general, 6 out of 14 drug addicts are XDubs, but the pain of being raised a dub, then shunned, is a breeding ground for self-destruction, or at least unbridled experimentation, although I am sure there are many who were inspired to succeed from the same experience.

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