Anyone read Philip Pullman?

by eyeslice 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyeslice

    I once managed to weave a long passage from the Firework Maker's daughter into the introduction of a public talk (the bit about Uncle Rambashie's river taxi) and so was hooked on Philip Pullman long before he published his 'Dark Materials' trilogy.

    I have since read all three Dark Materials books which seem to me to be pretty hard on God and organised religion.

    Forget Harry Pooter, they're kids stuff, these books are very dark!


  • FiveShadows

    I love phillips pullman. And the Dark trilogy is amazing! I read all three books quickly and if i'm not mistaken he sued Rawlings or was it the other way around? for the idea of the different world. Golden compass and Subtle Knife and Amber spyglass really blew me away. I'm not against God...obviously but i just enjoyed the story of how they travelled through different worlds. Keep an open mind anyway. God...i miss reading those books! Imajica by Clive barker (also a great book) Also is another book that speaks like pullman, although it's more advanced then the 'childrens tale' that pullman creates. Imajica blew my mind away...i must say i have never read a book quite like it.


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