Who controls the WTS?

by Defender 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Defender

    Many exjws, inactive or those still in but see the many problems that are associated with the Org keep asking when will the Society change. They keep wondering whether the GB is aware of the problems and if it is, why does it not do anything. Certain GB members might even comment privately about some misgivings they may have toward certain policies or doctrine, yet fail to act.

    I believe there are a number of reasons, but the main ones are GB internal dynamics and external influence.

    Concerning GB internal dynamics, it has been known that in a tight knit authoritarian system, whether it be a dictatorship, committee based, or even sometimes democratic, the one that suggests a major change does so at his own peril. Especially, if the suggested change is seen as an indirect admittance that the existing or old policy was in error. The example of the four “rebellious” directors during Rutherford’s tenure and Ray Franz’s experiences come quickly to mind, but there are many outside examples.

    If you have seen the film “13 days”, you may have noticed when president Kennedy was soliciting input from his lieutenants to resolve the crisis with minimum upheaval, the US ambassador to the UN made a suggestion and later admitted privately to Robert Kennedy that he had “cut his own throat” by doing it. The suggestion was for the removal of the US missiles from Turkey in exchange for removing Russian missiles from Cuba. This was a fair proposal, but it undermined US interest in Turkey and reduced US overall strategic nuclear advantage. But, adopting this proposal was what finally defused the crisis.

    Another example was during the Iraq-Iran war. Iran was at one point pressing a military advantage by demanding that Iraqi president Saddam Hussein resign from office. He was the one that started the war. Saddam gathered his cronies around and asked for suggestions. An unfortunate minister made a proposal that Saddam resigns, at least nominally and temporarily, until Iran backs off. Saddam thanked the minister and then had him executed. Had Saddam adopted this proposal, hundred of thousands of lives might have been spared.

    Although GB internal dynamics factor plays a role in impeding change, the other factor, that of external influence plays a much bigger role.

    External influence comes in different shapes and forms and it is exerted in different directions. The Society admits to only one external influence and that is their claim of divine direction. Hence, it is an influence that comes from above. So far, the Society has not been able to provide any tangible proof for this, a proof that Moses was handily able to provide to the Israelites in Egypt. The GB had not been able to muster supernatural miracles, nor even their predictions and prophecies had come to any fulfillment. Therefore, proving that they are not malleable to divine direction because none exists.

    Some organizations or ex-members attributes divine influence on the WTS, but not originating from God, but rather Satan. But again there needs to be proof of divine influence, whether it be from God or Satan’s.

    Another external influence is governmental and legal. In the early days of the Society, it had shown quite intransigence towards this type of influence. With the passage of time and countless disappointments associated with failed prophecies, the Society had lately been observed to give in to government and legal pressures. This has specially been the case when the Society tries to open new territories in new countries.

    Peer or lateral pressure is another type of external pressure. This type of pressure is generated by other religious organizations or ex-members. This influence is the least effective, as the more it is exerted, the more barricaded and entrenched the Society becomes.

    Last type of external influence, and I believe is the most potent, and that is pressure from BELOW. That is influence from the followers and readers themselves.

    It is hard to believe, but this type of influence is what gave birth to the WTS. It all started 120 years ago in Pennsylvania when an ordinary man who was interested in Bible chronology penned his first publication. It is not the words that he wrote, not even the doctrines that he taught, but it was the FEEDBACK from the readers that went to Russell’s head. It is not hard to imagine that no matter how absurd an idea is there will always be adherents. So was with Russell. At first, he must have been astonished, but then he must have wondered that for his ideas to have followers, then he must be doing something right. Grander yet, Russell thought that it must be God himself that’s shedding light through him as a mouthpiece. In the issue of WT July 15, 1906 page 229 there was a question from a reader about how Russell arrived to these wonderful “truths”. Russell had this to say: “No, the truths I present, as God’s mouthpiece, were not revealed in vision or dreams…..God’s due time has come; and if I did not speak,. and no other agent could be found, the very stones would cry out.”

    It is feedback and questions like the above that made Russell and later the Society what it is. To this day, the Society is continually influenced by its adherents, especially new potential converts. As recent as the WT July 2001, the back page contains a feedback from someone who attended a convention in Mozambique. This is what she said:” I have never seen such a beautiful place as this in all my life! The bathrooms had soap and mirrors, and they even smelled clean. There were peaceful surroundings without the noise of children fighting. And no pushing! I saw happy , young people engaging in encouraging conversations. I was also impressed by the way everyone was so well dressed. Next time, I will bring my children and convince my husband that we must attend this convention.” (bold is mine)

    Can you imagine what would be the reaction of the majority of the Governing Body members to a suggested change, say in convention format or content, after having read a letter like the above?

    It is letters like the above and field experiences that drives GB internal dynamics to resist change as they seem to think that they must be doing something right.

    We have all read, at least some of us have, the letters from readers page at the back of the Awake. These letters alongside the monthly and annual statistics is what drives the GB. They are their reason for being. They are the crux by which the Society plods along. In GB minds, these letters and experiences are tantamount to evidence of divine direction.

    The problem lies in the fact that GB hardly reads negative feedback or letters. These get filtered out by the GB mandarins in the field like C.Os and D.Os and much so within Bethel by the correspondence and writing departments.

    There is an expression that says :”A society inevitably gets governed by someone who shares its traits”.

    So then, who created and primarily controls the Society? The answer is; her followers.

  • peterstride

    Very well said Defender.

    One of the things that stuck in my mind, and which you pointed out again, is after Russell started printing his ideas, and he had followers, it all started going to his head...and thus the borg was born, and now it's getting out of control. Wow...

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • MacHislopp

    Hello defender,

    a good point, and as you already know

    some of the "letters " are suspect!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Defender

    Hello MacHislopp,

    I totally agree with you that many of the letter are "suspect". However, I remember countless times when I've taken newly interested ones to the meetings, conventions or Bethel, many times I heard similar expressions to that made by the lady in Mozambique.

    The Society receives tons of mail. The positive and upbeat ones get forwarded to the GB and some eventually get published and the negative sounding or change demanding mail gets "filed" in the dustbin. The main purpose of this type of behavior is to promote the mistaken concept of divine direction. The Society thinks in the terms of: we receive good feedback because we have divine backing. Because we have divine direction, look at the positive feedback we get. As to the negative and change demanding feedback, they do not know what to make of it, thus they "file" it.

  • willy_think

    well done defender,

    i think you may have missed one or two things. one External influence, the most driving one is money. thay have gone after it at all costs to the R&F.

    it is an influence that comes from above. So far, the Society has not been able to provide any tangible proof for this, a proof that Moses was handily able to provide to the Israelites in Egypt

    Moses, the red sea was tangible

    Peer or lateral pressure is another type of external pressure. This type of pressure is generated by other religious organizations or ex-members. This influence is the least effective, as the more it is exerted, the more barricaded and entrenched the Society becomes.

    the WT does not care how JWs look to the world (Catholcs)?

    "ex-members", with there internet, have made it a death sentence for JWs to go on the www!! but you don't see this as influence?

    people are waking up to the WTB&TS in vast numbers becuse of the "ex members" but this is "the least effective" influence?

    Last type of external influence, and I believe is the most potent, and that is pressure from BELOW. That is influence from the followers and readers themselves.

    this is the least potent type. if the WT said it is red is black who would say it is not?

    look at this

    Certain GB members might even comment privately about some misgivings they may have toward certain policies or doctrine, yet fail to act

    , the one that suggests a major change does so at his own peril

    what peril would a GB member face that R&F JW's would not?

    We have all read, at least some of us have, the letters from readers page at the back of the Awake. These letters alongside the monthly and annual statistics is what drives the GB. They are their reason for being. They are the crux by which the Society plods along. In GB minds, these letters and experiences are tantamount to evidence of divine direction.

    do you think that thay are real letters from R&F JW's? well maby some maby

    alongside the monthly and annual statistics

    here is your other "most potent" influence given one small line but given = value to the "primarily control" of the followers

    "the one that suggests a major change does so at his own peril"

    what is the peril to the one that makes the money and never said a thing?

    this is the controling dynamic, there is no other

    the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
  • Flip

    Interesting post, Defender

    Saddam thanked the minister and then had him executed.

    Among many others, this comment stood out because it illustrates what appears to be a common tactic used by both despots and corporations.

    What seemed to be benign or thoughtful consideration to address conflict resolution was actually designed, from the beginning, to accomplish something totally unrelated and sinister.

    In GB minds, these letters and experiences are tantamount to evidence of divine direction.

    You may call why those controlling the WTBTS publish what they do…a product of divine direction if you want…I simply call it marketingby a corporation that punishes the associated individual practicing "product disloyalty".

    The only thing “divine” about the WTBTS set-up…is the profits.


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