Are JWs Guilty of Idolatry?

by Kenneson 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    The JWs have an aversion to the Cross but a love for the Watchtower symbol. Is one a graven image, but not the other? Check the following Watchtower paraphernalia offered for sale by a JW owned business.

  • Will Power
    Will Power


    I think its time to do a little on-line Christmas shopping. LOL

    They condemn christians for wearing a cross "if it had been a gun would you wear that around your neck?"

    Guess there's no problem tho wearing a watchtower - the JW symbol of what kills faith in Jesus for many - and replaces it with a printing company - turret symbol and all!

  • Kenneson

    The term and symbol of the "Watchtower" is not unique to JWs. The pagans (i.e. the Wiccans) use it; so do the Freemasons. It has been used for the name of other religious journals and recently I saw where a secular entity calls itself the Watchtower Investment Group. Also of interest is that Charles Taze Russell, the founder, named his journal and society "Zion's Watch Tower." One can't help but wonder if the attachment "Zion's" had something to do with Russell's pro-Christian Zionist leanings. Later, the "Zion's" part was dropped because people were associating this with blacks. In Jws circles today, the name Watchtower has almost, if not in fact, taken on sacred overtones. And now the sale of religious jewelry.

  • jgnat

    Don't forget bookbags! Jehovah's Witnesses absolutely worship their bookbags.

    And book covers.

    And don't forget tours of the most holy place.

    None of which are officially sanctioned by the society.

    These guys must make a killing.

  • jws

    I did notice that the word "watchtower" was not capitalized as the Watchtower magazine would be. Could this be non-JW related?

    But, then again, many of the pieces have Isa 43:10 on them (You are my witnessess...). So it does seem to be JW related.

    Don't know whether any JWs are actually buying them though.

  • kwintestal

    The org. itself has become an idol that is worshipped. WTS = God Worship and devotion given to God, must also be given to WTS. Therefore the WTS is an idol in itself.


  • Fleur

    UGH!!!!!!! the unmitagated gaul! My mother condemns my plastic christmas tree but she writes the yhwh symbol and letters out and tapes them up over her doorways. No, unfortunately, I am NOT kidding.

    There are more examples of 'so called' image worship in her house it's not even funny.

    Ha. I'll keep my pagan fake fir, thanks!


  • karategirl

    jgnat, LMAO!!!! I actually visited a business like that when I lived in Missouri. Everyone thought it was so cool that this witness could make the products that were tailored for our uses. We all wanted to work at his place because everyone was a witness. We would talk about how great it would be to not have to be around worldly people at work and listen to their filthy language. Nor would we have to deal with Christmas at work. We were then shot down by an MS with a stick up his ass that pointed out how unspiritual this could actually be, basically how could one do informal witnessing at work? How did you gain the tools to resist temptation and remain faithful like Noah did in the face of ridicule. this same congregation also looked down on home schooling for the same reason.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    well, according to this document i found, idolatry includes the "possession and use of images and pictures that are employed in false religion".

    ---(can you say "Jehovahese"?)

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