Yadrif-Friday: Jews, Politics, and JWs

by Amazing 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    JW Model State: The JW religion views the ancient nation of Israel as its model of perfection for the new system. They have gone as far as stating that the universal language will one day be Hebrew. In their book The Nations Shall Know that I Am Jehovah - How? shows a chart of the perfect state of Israel with the tribal boundaries being in nice little equal slices on their north south boundaries, the center of worship and all. The Watch Tower leaders almost always use the Old Testament to guide their current policies, and in how they try to define and parse verses in the New Testament. When challenged about having an organization, the Society always points to Israel as their model and basis for having an organization. So, are there any glaring "holes" in thier teachings on the ancient Jews? Yes, many. Let's take one example:

    JWs, Politics, Government: The JWs believe that the world governments are part and parcel with the Devil's Organization. They have held to this position to the point of going to prison rather than vote, serve in the military, or enegage in politics. The Society in its many publications have denounced the Seven Great WOrld Powers as part of the Devil's Organization, and how this serves to identify the Wild Beasts in both the book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel. I make no judgments of their stand if that is what they want to believe. I do debate their premise, however, as yet another example of their lunacy.

    Ancient Babylon: Of any ancient nation, the Babylonian Empire is the most significant with respect to its standing against God, his name people, and serving as one of the Seven Great World Powers mentioned in the Bible. According to the JWs, Babylon also holds the reputation of serving as the typical seat of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. Further, to the nation of Israel, Babylon was the most wicked because in addition to conquoring the Jews, they took them away from their land into captivity, desecrated and leveled the temple of Solomon, and took the utensils and Ark of the Covenant from the Most Holy and Holy of the Temple. To any self respecting and faithful Jew, the Babylonians were a stinch.

    Jewish resistence of Babylon: Even though held captive, and likely under some level of mistreatment and persecution, when it came time for Danial and his men to be faced with a test, they risked the fire in the furnace rather than violate their religious beliefs. Later on, for similar reasons of religious conscience, Daniel was tossed into the lions den. These were brave acts and set a pattern for determination to obey God's law above men. The point is that Daniel, of any prophet, represents a choice model, and was by no means a whimp or unclear about God's expectations.

    Now enters Politics: Friday (aka: Yadirf) says this in response to me on his other post about Ray Franz:

    You silly apostate, the Jews did no such thing ... Daniel didn't STRIVE to achieve the post he was assigned to, he was appointed to it due to the respect that he gained for his God-given ability to interpret the kings dream. That's a totally different thing than if he had of had political ambitions. How silly can an apostate get anyway?

    The following deals with this from a couple of views:

    Ancient kingdom governments: They did not function as do modern republics today with campaigns and elections. The King made all the important choices and appointments. Lower level jobs were appointed by a system of delegated authority. Was politics played? You can bet your life that people then played the game, vied for position, took out the competition, etc. Therefore, there was no real way for Daniel to campaign for a position. Most Babylonians liklely could not do that either, but had to bide their time until opportunity presented itself. I agree with Friday that the King took to Daniel because he correctly interpreted a dream. But that is where the agreement ends.

    Was Daniel into Politics: You can bet your sweet life he was. At first, he may not have considered this as possible for a Jew, but when the opportunity presented itself, did Danial, a prophet of Jehovah, an important Bible writer, and part of God's model nation say this to the king:

    "Ah, Mr. King, you see, I am part of Jehovah's organization, and your Kingdom is part of the Devil's organization. I mean, sir, that you guys are a major big league world power used by Satan to harm God's people, descrate our temple and true worship. So, you recall how I was tossed into the furnace and such, well, I am not going to get sullied with Devil inspired politics, oh no, not me! Therefore, you, Mr. King had better stoke the flames, cause I ain't gonna take no political job in your organization."

    Rather, to the contrary, Daniel accepted this political job. He became No. 3 in power and authority in the Kingdom, much as Joseph did in Egypt. The was like winning the Big Lotto jack pot for a Jew to get a big cushy job in the Kingdom of Babylon, a major world empire and center of false religion, with servants, money, booze, power ... come on! This was the big time, TV, movie stars, Texas Gold, mansions, etc.

    Daniel did not even bat an eyelash at the opportunity. No, he did not say, "Mr. King, I need to check with Jehovah to see if he wants me to bend the rules, set a bad example, and take this job." Daniel did not seek an opinion from the Jewish Elders, Preists or write to any Governing Body to get an opinion. No, Daniel just filled out his W-2, signed on for the benefits package, and set up his lucrative 401K program. Daniel never said one negative word about the job, like, "Ah, I had to take this job cause Big J in the sky wants to position me for futher use in his organization." Daniel never wrote anything about any problem with the job, and he NEVER resigned. He stayed with it to the very end until the Medes and Persians took over.

    Sorry Friday-Yadirf: Your position about 'appointment' does not hold up. You are found deficient, 'Mene, Mene, Tekel', your on the wrong track buddy.

    PS: As for your note about Esther marrying out of the truth because she had no choice is also baloney. She could have said no, and screamed or not screamed according to that month's publication from the organization and its shifting policy on screaming. She could have gone into the fire, lions den, or simply fought until she was beheaded.

    Yes, in those days women were chattel, and did not have the same choices as men. That was a bad period in human history that did not begin to be corrected until the 19th and 20th centuries. But, as a faithful Jewish woman, she could have said no and sufferred the consequences anyway. There is nothing in the Bible to indicate that God told her to marry the King cause he had a plan. No, the King selected her, and she did it. Yes, God used her to work out his will, but unless she had been willing to position herself by marrying a major political leader, and exercising considerable influence over him, God would have had to do something else.

    Esther married an uncircumized man of the nations. He was a worldling. She married out of the truth and out of her race. She married a politician, a man of the Devil's organization, and one of the major world powers. Come on Friday-Yadirf, can't you admit that the Jews as a model for the JW religion did stuff that maybe conflicts with the policies and teachings of the Society, and that as a model nation, they set a pattern that maybe JWs need to consider as a viable way to function in Society today:

    Vote, campaign, get a degree, marry non-JWs, hold public office. Okay, don't salute the flag or eat camel pellets in your diet, but hey, there is still plenty of golden opportunity here in following this perfect model for God's organization. And today, the King (President) will not even toss you into the fire or to the lions. He'll just sick the Media and Press on you if you screw up. - Amazing

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