Need Help

by JeffT 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    I need some information on Australian law, or the Police in Sydney or maybe a lawyer.

    My twenty-eight year old daughter moved back to the States (she?s now in another state) after breaking up with the boyfriend she?d been living with in Sydney for four years or so. Since the breakup he?s gone completely psycho. He called her on her cell phone some much she had to change the number. He ran up about $1200.00 (US) on her cell phone (which is in my name).

    He?s called her things that I can?t put up on the board, then would call her back two minutes later to say he just wants to get back together. He has refused to return a number of her personal things (journals, photo albums) and a keyboard I bought for her last Christmas. He?s also driving a car that is in her name.

    I was hoping that after she changed her number he?d get the message. Nope.

    He called here at 6:30 AM this morning to try to get my daughter?s new number from me. The first time I told him ?no? and hung up. He called back thirty seconds later to tell me that he was going to come up here, kick my door in and mess me up (or words to that effect). I told him to bring it on, I?d have the shotgun loaded for him when he got here. At that point I turned off the ringer on the phone and tried to go back to bed. As of this writing he?s left thirteen messages on my voice mail, that alternate between saying my daughter?s a whore, he?s going to punch me out, and would I just please call him.

    I called the police here and I now have a complaint filed and a case number. I don?t know if it I can do this, but I?m going to give the information to INS or the State Department and see if I can get his Visa denied to keep him out of the country. I?m encouraging my daughter to file complaints both where she lives and in Sydney.

    Questions: can I file a complaint and/or sue him in Sydney for the cell phone bill and the stuff he refuses to return? Can she just report her car stolen? Do any of you in Australia know where I can get more information on the relevant laws there, or who to call.

    I?m at my wits end, and VERY worried about my daughter.

    FYI, when I told the cop about the shotgun statement and he?s response was to ask me if I had a shotgun. When I said ?yes? he said ?Good it might be useful.? He also told me that if somebody?s breaking down my door and I shoot him, under Washington law it would be a clear cut case of self defense.

    Any ideas any of you have on this mess would be appreciated.

  • gdt

    will help if possible, pm me your request please. gdt

  • JeffT

    Thanks, I'll send you something. For some reason the computer ate most of my post I'm going to try again.

  • JeffT

    I kept getting a message saying I needed to install the Chinese language character said, then the rest of my post would be gone. Must be demonz in my computer.

  • gypsywildone

    I always get thet "chinese character" message on here too.

    I would start by tape recording these conversations, keep a log of them, & look into how to trace them & file a police report then. That would be a start.

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