If the WBTS morphs into a main stream religion which belifs will the keep?

by mkr32208 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mkr32208

    I really don't thing the Witlesses are going away. Too many people have invested too much time... I take that back I dont' think they are going away anytime soon... However if they plan to stick around they must change soon so what beliefs will be jettisoned this week as the light grows brighter and what beliefs will they keep (and why)

    1st obviously is that the GB is only one step (small step) below god and at least equal if now one step above Jesus

    Jesus is gods son (this one is supported fairly well by the scrips so that's an easy one to keep)

    Jehovah is gods name (this is becoming more a mainstream belief so thats an easy one)

    Earth will be a paridise and people will be resurected here... this is hard if they change their end times destruction message then when are people resurected? If they tell members you are going to die in this system how many will continue to serve? They may have to adjust that slightly...

    I'll see if I can think of a few more!! Post away though!

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    WT go mainstream? Don't hold your breath on that one.

    For fun though if they ever did I will predict which belief they won't give up because for me that is easier to predict.

    I predict they will keep the shunning because they enjoy it so much. The control, the destruction of the family...I think they love that abusive trait too much.

  • blondie

    The Worldwide Church of God did morph into a mainstream religion and dropped the doctrines that were out of sync. Could the WTS change this way. Maybe.


    In 1993, the church accepted the doctrine of the Trinity. The church declared that the cross was not a pagan symbol, that it is not a sin to have illustrations of Jesus, and that Christians may vote. Such changes may seem inconsequential to most Christians, but each change was significant for WCG members because each change attacked strongly held beliefs about how we ought to express our devotion to God. Each change had to be explained from the Scriptures and had to explain how previous explanations were not correct.

    In 1994, the television program was cancelled and employees were laid off. The church also explained to the members that true Christians can be found in other denominations.

    But perhaps the most traumatic change came in December 1994: Tkach announced that Christians do not have to keep old covenant laws such as the weekly and annual Sabbaths, two and three tithes, and avoid pork, shrimp and other meats. In many ways, the Sabbath had been the foundational doctrine of the entire denomination, so this was the biggest change of all. (Click here for the text of the sermon Tkach used to announce these changes, and click here to see a menu of papers analyzing these doctrines.)

    Many members did not accept these changes. After decades of understanding their identity as Christians in terms of Sabbath-keeping, and after making many sacrifices in order to keep the Sabbath, they could not easily accept the idea that it really didn't matter

    A few additional doctrines were changed later in 1995: The church officially rejected the doctrine that the Anglo-Saxons descended from the tribes of Israel, and the church permitted the observance of holidays such as Christmas and Easter.

  • Leolaia
    But perhaps the most traumatic change came in December 1994: Tkach announced that Christians do not have to keep old covenant laws such as the weekly and annual Sabbaths, two and three tithes, and avoid pork, shrimp and other meats. In many ways, the Sabbath had been the foundational doctrine of the entire denomination, so this was the biggest change of all.

    Ohmygosh, I knew this girl who was in the WWCOG, who worked with me at the same university, and in March 1994 we stood in line all night long for front-row tickets to see Depeche Mode and she was so happy, and then she was crushed next Monday when I saw her because her parents found out and she could no longer go because the concert was scheduled during one of the annual sabbaths (either Passover or Pentacost). That was in April-May 1994. And then in December they got rid of that requirement? Man, she must've been hurtin'!

  • Carmel

    When will poverty be eradicated? At present the economic systems are mired in pure materialistic philosophies. When that changes and spiritual principles guide monetary and economic policies amongst the nations, we will see a tremendous decline in poverty. When JWs realize that their entire religion is based on materialistic expectations and longings desguised in "spiritspeak" they will likely walk the walk and not look back. When, I don't know. But it seems the empty promises will be outed quicker and quicker as on-line access extends around the globe.

    I'm content in knowing that it is an eventuality. When is no matter.


  • ezekiel3

    I know one they won't keep: FIELD SERVICE

    Stay with me on this one.

    First WTS would have to drop the requirement to report service hours, instead concentrating on the total number of members.

    Second announce something like a 'shake the dust off your feet' on a macro scale, stating in effect that the 'world has had its chance.' (Promoting no little urgency as a by-product!)

    Third, annouce that while service meetings, and field service arrangements will continue, each person is responsible for 'living as a Witness' instead of the ritual actions of door-to-door, etc.

    All this releases JWs from the loathsome obligations (don't tell me pioneers love knocking on doors) of "counting time." Membership will swell because all the fence-sitters will now gladly apply - proof of Jehovah's blessing! As the numbers grow the WTS rakes in the cash and proclaims the "final harvest."

    Within a couple of years from this WTS is mainstream.

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