Not this morning!!!

by kwintestal 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • kwintestal

    I worked until 2am last night. Mrs. Kwin left for the morning at around 8:20 so I was home alone. There's a knock on the door ... what do I do?

    Someone from the KH, checking up on Mrs. Kwin as she hasn't been to the hall as of late. Interesting that they knew my name even though they had never met me.

    So we talked mostly about our cat who I guess greeted them more warmly then myself, mind you I do have a beard now, so maybe they shouldn't be talking to me. That's a sin, right?

    It's the week of the CO visit here, so they wanted to make sure Mrs. Kwin knew of the meeting time change, and that the service arangement was for a different time. Here is something of note:

    The CO didn't schedule a Saturday morning service arangement! It is at 1 pm!

    Have you heard of that in your area?


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    I wished!

    My old CO used to start the Ministry arrangement at 8 friggin 30 on a Saturday!Horrible.

    A long distant memory now though thankfully!Sometimes i find myself rolling in about then after a particularly good Night out

  • kwintestal
    Sometimes i find myself rolling in about then after a particularly good Night out

    That would be a good night out!


  • Poztate

    The CO didn't schedule a Saturday morning service arangement! It is at 1 pm!

    The last time the CO visit came to town here the service arrangement was changed by him from 9:15 to 10:00.

    He did it because he said many persons liked to sleep later in the morning and they should try not to disturb them.

    I commented to my wife that I guessed all the service arrangements would be at 10:00 AM from now on since this had come from the top.

    My wife replied that no..the very next week they would resume their "normal schedule" 9:15 SHARP

    I wonder who really wanted to sleep in later in the mornings....

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