Most here should find this funny

by Jeremy Bravo 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jeremy Bravo
    Jeremy Bravo

    This is an exact copy of the letter given to me by the guy who was conducting my JW studies. He gave it to me after I told him I no longer wanted to study with the JW's, in part because of their failed predictions and doctrinal changes.

    But have not some of the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses undergone adjustments over the years? If they were truly chosen and led by God and if their teachings were backed by Scriptural authority to begin with, why would such changes be necessary?

    How Jehovah leads his people

    Those who make up the one true Christian organization today do not have angelic revelations or divine inspiration. But they do have the inspired Holy Scriptures, which contain revelations of God’s thinking and will. As an organization and individually, they must accept the Bible as divine truth, study it carefully, and let it work in them. (1 Thess 2:13) But how do they arrive at the correct understanding of God’s Word?

    The Bible itself says: “Do not interpretations belong to God?” (Gen 40:8) If in their study of the Scriptures a certain passage is difficult to understand, they must search to find other inspired passages that shed light on the subject. Thus they let the Bible interpret itself, and from this they endeavor to understand “the pattern” of truth set forth in God’s Word (2 Tim 1:13). Jehovah leads or guides them to such understanding by means of his holy spirit. But to get the guidance of that spirit, they must cultivate its fruitage, not grieve or work against it, and keep responsive to its proddings. (Gal 5:22,23,25; Eph 4:30). Moreover, by zealously applying what they learn, they keep building their faith, as a basis for gaining clearer and clearer understanding of how they must do God’s will in the world of which they are no part. – Luke 17:5; Phil 1:9,10.

    Jehovah has always led his people to clearer understanding of his will. (Ps 43:3) Just how he has guided them may be illustrated this way: If a person has been in a dark room for a long period of time, is it not best if he is exposed to light gradually? Jehovah has exposed his people to the light of truth in a similar manner; he has enlightened them progressively. (Compare John 16:12,13) It has been as the proverb says: “The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established.” – Prov 4:18

    Jehovah’s dealings with his chosen servants in Bible times confirm that clear understanding of his will and purpose comes gradually. Thus, Abraham did not fully understand how Jehovah’s purpose in connection with the “seed” would work out. (Gen 12:1-3,7; 15:2-4; compare Heb 11:8) Daniel did not grasp the final outcome of the prophecies he recorded. (Dan 12:8,9) Jesus, when on earth, admitted that he did not know the day and hour that the present system of things would end. (Matt 24:36) The apostles did not at first understand that Jesus’ Kingdom would be heavenly, that it was not to be established in the first century, and that even Gentiles may inherit it. – Luke 19:11; Acts 1:6,7; 10:9-16, 34, 35; 2 Tim 4:18; Rev 5:9,10

    It should not surprise us that in modern times too, Jehovah has often led his people as a progressive organization, gradually enlightening them as to bible truths. It is not the truths themselves that change. Truth remains truth. Jehovah’s will and purpose, as outlined in the Bible, remain fixed. (Isa 46:10) But their understanding of these truths gets progressively clearer “at the proper time,” Jehovah’s due time. (Matt 24:45; compare Dan 12:4,9) At times, because of human error or misguided zeal, their viewpoint may need to be adjusted.

    For example, at various times in the modern-day history of Jehovah’s Witnesses, their zeal and enthusiasm for the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty have led to premature expectations as to when the end of Satan’s wicked system of things would come. (Ezek 38:21-23) But Jehovah has not revealed in advance the exact time. (Acts 1:7) Hence, Jehovah’s people have had to adjust their views in this matter.

    Such adjustments in viewpoint do not mean that God’s purpose has changed. Nor do they suggest that the end of this system is necessarily a long way off. On the contrary, the fulfillment of Bible prophecies concerning “the conclusion of the system of things” confirms the nearness of the end. (Matt 24:3) Well, does the fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses have had some premature expectations mean that they are not being led by God? Not any more than the disciples’ question about the imminence of the Kingdom in their day meant that they were not chosen and led by God! – Acts 1:6; compare Acts 2:47; 6:7.

    Why are Jehovah’s Witnesses so sure that they have the true religion? Because they believe and accept what the Bible says as to the identifying marks of true worshippers. Their modern-day history, as discussed in earlier chapters of this publication, shows that, not just as individuals but as an organization, they meet the requisites: They loyally advocate the Bible as God’s sacred Word of truth (John 17:17); they keep completely separate from worldly affairs (Jas 1:27; 4:4); they bear witness to the divine name, Jehovah, and proclaim God’s Kingdom as mankind’s only hope. (Matt 6:9; 24:14; John 17:26); and they genuinely love each other. – John 13:34, 35.

    I was given this sometime in late 1998. I looked at it and damn near threw it in the trash because it made me sick. Luckily I kept it and posted it on this board for all to get a chuckle.

    Who else has gotten this crap from their higher-ups when they were having doubts? I'd be interested to see what other canned defense essays they have out there.


  • think41self

    Hi Jeremy,

    Just found this and have to reply!

    While I myself do not have a similar letter, the bullshit smells the same! peeeewwwww!

    I'm glad you got out man, welcome to the board!


  • TR

    Is this letter a direct quote from the WT or Awake!? It sure sounds familiar.


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • outnfree


    I'm almost positive it is. This is definitely not a heartfelt, personal reply from the brother to JB.

    Sorry, Jeremy --
    Couldn't even read the whole of it. If "interpretation belongs to God", then you were right in thinking that God would have gotten it right the FIRST time!

    Why Witnesses think God's holy spirit plays guessing and waiting games with the Governing Body when brothers and sisters are dying and suffering because of incomplete inspiration is [that supposedly especially Roman Catholic excuse:] a mystery!


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hello Jeremy:

    Good to have you here and to see you have your blinders off. I'm glad you didn't throw this little gem away. It just needs to be filed away under "G" for garbage but still kept for future reference, to remind us why we no longer can possibly put our trust in this group of fools.

    Several things jumped out at me in this "explanation" for their errors.

    Jehovah leads or guides them to such understanding by means of his holy spirit. But to get the guidance of that spirit, they must cultivate its fruitage, not grieve or work against it, and keep responsive to its proddings.

    So does this mean that when they have gotten "such understandings" wrong, that means they are taking responsibility for not being open to "cultivate its fruitage" and were grieving it and working against it?

    If, as they say of God, that...

    Jehovah has exposed his people to the light of truth in a similar manner; he has enlightened them progressively.
    ...does that mean that God has puposely directed or allowed them to think the reverse to what He wants the GB to know, to the destruction of lives and family unity, until He makes the light brighter for them to reverse their teachings to what it should be.

    Are they saying that God is some kind of sadist that allows his devoted worshippers to hurt themselves and give their lives for Him for a MISTAKE?????? So that when they get things wrong, its God that has allowed them to teach us wrongly...ITS NOT THEIR FAULT!!!

    ..clear understanding of his will and purpose comes gradually. Thus, Abraham did not fully understand how Jehovah’s purpose in connection with the “seed” would work out. (Gen 12:1-3,7; 15:2-4; compare Heb 11:8) Daniel did not grasp the final outcome of the prophecies he recorded. (Dan 12:8,9) Jesus, when on earth, admitted that he did not know the day and hour that the present system of things would end. (Matt 24:36) The apostles did not at first understand that Jesus’ Kingdom would be heavenly, that it was not to be established in the first century, and that even Gentiles may inherit it.

    So does this mean that God allowed these men, like the GB, to mislead their followers, God's people, to do things opposite to His actual will that might cost them their lives, until "God made the light brighter"?


    does the fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses have had some premature expectations mean that they are not being led by God? Not any more than the disciples’ question about the imminence of the Kingdom in their day meant that they were not chosen and led by God!

    BUT did the disciples questioning the nearness of the kingdom result in lives being sacrificied wrongly because of their error?..or cause them make decisions and choices that would adversely affect their old age?....or cause them to take a stand that would later on be reversed, so that then others wouldn't have had to suffer the bad effects of the choice that they did?

    Well Jeremy...I never saw any essay like this one, but it sure sums up all the choice "explanations" they give to keep the masses following their every word, even though they have been wrong time and time again. I wonder if this is something official to show ones in your situation or is it something your study guide put together. Anyway, I'm glad you saw it for what it is...pure crap!

    Nice to hear from you Jeremy and sorry I missed meeting you at the BRCI.

    Had Enough

  • Amazing

    Hi Jeremy: I really appreciate you posting this letter from your JW study days. It is a keeper. I agree with others above that it is a very generic letter that any JW might have written.

    When I was a JW, and I was stumped for words, I would look up some references in the Watchtower or other Society publicatons, and then copy the thoughts word-for-word. I did not do that very many times, but it was one way to get something, anything onto paper. So, your JW contact likely borrowed from the publications, or ... he is like many who seem to memorize the rhetoric so well, that it just rolls right out of their head on a moments notice.

    This letter is a keeper, because, more importantly, it shows the thinking that JWs are taught, and it supports what the Watch Tower publishes. And, I agree with your feelings, that it was sickening, and worthy of the trash bin. But, I think you were wise to keep it.

    I have many books, magazines, and other reference works from my JW days. And though it collects dust most of the time, I find it useful on occasion to retrieve and use, such as this Forum. Thanks again for your post. - Amazing

  • Roamingfeline

    This was a total "cut and paste" job from the ragmags. There wasn't a personal thought in it. Glad you saw it for what it was: "Watchtower tripe". Thanks for posting this. It's a reminder of what we used to be: Watchtower robots.


  • Jeremy Bravo
    Jeremy Bravo

    Hi everyone,

    My contact, I'll call him "Mark", gave me a printed copy of (I assume) a society article off of one of his CD's. I should have included the heading that came with it:

    "jv 708-9 31 How Chosen and Led by God."

    Since I really don't know what this means, I did not include it. Maybe some of you can tell me.


  • AGuest

    Wait... hold on... stand BACK... I'm about to HURL!!! Ah, uhhh, oohhhh...

    Oh, wait. I 'vomited' out that filth a LONG time ago. False alarm; my bad.

    Peace to you all!

    SJ, a slave of Christ who knows that the 'Bible' is NOT the Word of God (John 1:1, 9; Revelation 19:13)... and that God DOES still give His servants 'inspired' expressions by means of Christ through holy spirit... and thus, interpretations DO belong to God... and not to the one simply reading the 'Bible' (John 5:39, 40)... and so no longer needs to 'pray' to any 'porcelain'... gods.

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