The letter of my mind into what???????????????

by BERNARD 0 Replies latest jw experiences


    I was sixteen years old when I started studying with Jehovah witness
    This is the first letter I wrote my study conductor 10/16/86

    psalms 101:5-7
    proverbs 17:17
    proverbs 18:24

    I thank you again for the train fare to the circuit assembly.I
    don't usually take money from people unless it was an emergency. I told my dad I was having bible study with Jehovah's witnesses, He had already knew,my mother told him awhile back. My dad is a baptist but don't go to church. Three years ago I remember him introducing me to a father, until now I found out "do not call anyone your father on earth mt.23:9. I told him the next time we meet I'm gonna tell him what I learned from the bible and what I'm looking forward to do in the future If not sooner. He said "whatever I do, that makes me happy
    makes him happy to".
    I never been so open to a person, I only knew for a short time in my life except "THE JW", because your the only one I truston this
    earth that isn't family. I hope I can be there when you need favors or something. None of my CLOSE family is in the truth, but like "JW" said, action speaks louder then words. I used to be depressed "jw", but you encourage me and I thank you for that. My family might never be at my side at congregations, future field service and finally baptism and the end of these system of things. I know "jw" will be and I hope I will be at your side in paradise and not destroyed.

    This was the first of the three letters written before my baptism TO MY STUDY CONDUCTOR WHICH WAS the beginning of My indoctrination as a JEHOVAH WITNESS. ANY COMMENTS p.s I HAVE ALL COPIES OF MY WRITINGS AS A JEHOVAH WITNESS for 11 years PRACTICING. I HONESTLY KNEW AS I LOOK BACK HOW I WAS A VICTIM OF MIND CONTROL. I learned the real truth does not change if it does, its a lie. In the watchtower organization before you can turn your head there is NEW TRUTH, NEW UNDERSTANDING, NEW LIGHT,NEW CHANGES.

    THE NEW FACT IN MY MIND IS THAT THE WATCHTOWER KNEW IT WAS ALREADY A LIE BEFORE it was SPOKEN.Then WRote these promises they say are from Jehovah.TIME HAS ALREADY TOLD ON THE WATCHTOWER time tells all tales on a THE FALSE PROPHET YOU ALREADY WERE. you humbly think on that note, if your brain is not already fried like southern chicken on watchtower self interpretating and misconception baloney ,I admit I fell for the watchtower for 11 years of my life with no regrets because im now fully aware of the BS in the world today because of the watchtower, thank you. comments please

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