Me And Rambo Just Hit 55!

by Englishman 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Just to let you know that me and me old pal Sylvester Stallone were born on the same day - July 6 - in the same year - 1946.

    Which means that today is our birthday!!!

    Now although I'm much better looking than Sylv and have a far better physique Ho Ho Ho, I still phoned me old JW Mum just to remind her that I still exist. Here's how the conversation went along:

    Me: "Hello Mum!"

    Mum: "Who is this? Dusty?" (Dusty was our dog once, he died in 1961)

    Me: "No Mum, it's me, number 1 son!"

    Mum: "Well hello, Dusty er Tim er Ronald, is that you Michael?"

    Me: "Yes Ancient Matriarch, 'tis me. Can you recall what you were doing 55 years ago today?"

    Mum: "Nothing comes to mind, give me a clue. Oh, and we've just had a wooonderful assembly, isn't Jehovah good to me, the brothers are so loving, gush gush gush....."

    But I dont mind, all my sons remembered and Her Ladyship is taking me drinking tonight. Gasp!


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • ozziepost

    Not the pub again, English friend! Will the friendly elder be there, too?

    Happy Birthday, old son.

    BTW you're just a couple of months older than Harry, your new Football Director at Pompey. Seems all the best people were born in '46, eh?


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • Princess

    Happy birthday Englishman!


    "...and they lived happily ever after."

  • Mulan

    Hi Michael, and HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

    Mine is September 7..........but I won't be 55. (I'll be 56...
    shhhh) My mother calls ME every year on my birthday to wish me a happy one. And she is still a loyal dub. Who can figure?

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • slipnslidemaster

    Happy Birthday!!


    Now make a wish!

    Slipnslidemaster: "Do, or do not. There is no try."
    - Yoda

  • jolly_green_giant

    A great BIG Happy Birthday to Englishman and Sylvester Stallone!

  • ZazuWitts


    Forget Sly, I just love ya!

    HaPPy BiRtHDaY. Have a great day. :)

  • outnfree

    Now what I used to do as a JW mom,
    was to sit my child down and tell him/her the story of her/his birth day.
    And how special s/he are to me.

    Dear Michael,
    Your birth day was such an exciting one! There is nothing like the miracle of birth. When I first saw you, the emotions were overwhelming! A new little life, so tiny, so precious, and now I would have to nourish and nuture you until you grew up to be the fine upstanding man you have become. I was awed, just awed at your newness and beauty! As I held you (before they whisked you off to present you to your father) I couldn't help but think how blessed I was! I am still blessed.
    And even if I'm addle-brained enough at times to confuse you with the old family pet, I love you still.
    Happy birthday, Son!
    You mean the world to me!

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