How to get a 'carry out' in prison..........

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  • ISP
    ISP to get a carry out when you are in 'nick'

    'Excrement-chucking' prisoner given Big Mac in court deal

    A prisoner in a US jail was given a McDonald's meal as part of a plea bargain after being accused of throwing faeces at a guard.

    Double murderer Donald Nichols was charged with being an inmate throwing or expelling bodily substances.

    He denied the charge and requested a jury trial. But he agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of misdemeanour disorderly conduct if he got a hamburger, fries and a shake.

    According to the La Crosse Tribune, Assistant District Attorney Tony Pozorski said: "He said that if we got him a hamburger, fries and a shake, he would sign the agreement. If we didn't, he wanted to go to trial."

    Grant County Circuit Judge Robert VanDeHey and Mr Pozorski agreed.

    Nichols' public defender, Thomas J. Kelly, went to the nearest McDonald's in Lancaster and bought his client three hamburgers, french fries, a milk shake and a cola.

    Nichols allegedly threw faeces at Sergeant Robert Bowdry in Supermax prison, Wisconsin.

    Kevin Traas, a spokesman for the state employees' union, said: "It didn't take long for the word to spread throughout the Supermax that if you want a good meal, all you have to do is toss (faeces) at a guard."

    Now what do you do to get a pizza?


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