Random Notes

by hillbilly 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    How was your day ? Did you touch anyone in a positive way? Did agitation, irritation, or a general state of pissed off rule your house? One thing I have started to learn during this earthly journey is much of how I feel is really controlled by me. All the negatives can either be ignored or turned to my advantage if I choose to do that.


    Horses are a sign that God really wants mankind to be happy.... Go find a horse and watch him as soon as possible... they really are good for your soul.


    Forrest Gump really was a genius. I try to be more like him every day. After a lot of reflection I see so much of that story reflected in my life. " sometimes you cant throw enough rocks"


    the axiom in skeet shooting is "you cant have too much lead" is really, really true.


    Buy tickets for a concert in advance... and you are bound not to round up a date for ticket two.


    Grace is a wonderful thing.... I thank God for his grace and bounty daily. JW's really dont get it do they?


    If oranges are orange why arent banannas "yellows"?


    Women are wonderful. I love them... Where are the normal ones? One day my Mickey will find his Minnie. If only Goofy stays home this time..........


    Sometimes the prarie sky covers me like a favorite blanket. Watching the twilight come, the darkness spreading like a velvet drape across the ground still thrills me.... Can I see this enough? Not in one life time.



  • xenawarrior
    How was your day ? Did you touch anyone in a positive way? Did agitation, irritation, or a general state of pissed off rule your house? One thing I have started to learn during this earthly journey is much of how I feel is really controlled by me. All the negatives can either be ignored or turned to my advantage if I choose to do that.

    I had a great day !! And nope, no agitation, irritation or general state of pissed off here. Well except for when my weed eater wouldn't cooperate with me earlier. I'm with you- I've remembered lately how much of it is controlled by me. There is an endless stream of irritants out there on a daily basis and if I allow myself to be irritated by all of it (or them) it can build up and be all consuming. And then I have myself to thank for that.

    BTW- what is interesting about this life is that undoubtably I'll need a refresher course on that whole thing eventually. *Sigh* Some of this stuff we just keep learning over and over again.

    Horses are a sign that God really wants mankind to be happy.... Go find a horse and watch him as soon as possible... they really are good for your soul.

    Ah- as are dogs !!!

    Women are wonderful. I love them... Where are the normal ones? One day my Mickey will find his Minnie. If only Goofy stays home this time..........

    LMAO !!!

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