An open letter to Dr. Laura, ROFLMAO

by seedy3 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • seedy3
  • JWinSF

    Thanx for the posting!

    I saw it some time back, but always love to see it brought up again. She's such a fundie whack-o. I listened to her radio show about a few years ago and was appalled at how she brow-beat the people calling in to her show for help. But, the poor schumcks seemed to like it. I guess that fundamentalism appeals to those who are at the lowest point in their self-esteem.

    Yeah, she's a Jew, but would make a dandy JW as well.

    Thanx again.

  • ladonna


    Thanks for giving me my "laugh of the day".......stilll ROTFL...


  • AngelofMuZiC

    OH MY GOD!!!! Laughing my mother f#@*&^$%g ass off!! That was so funny I will be laughing for the rest of the day!!!!

  • Norm

    Very good questions. Sounds like the guy is describing Rex/WW dream society.


  • Kent

    Well, I should have added these questions as well:

    I need to do some business on the island of Crete soon but the Bible states that people from the island of Crete are liars and lazy (Titus 1:12). Should I be careful when doing business there?

    I read Amnesty International is in Thailand protesting the selling of underaged girls into slavery and prostitution. Should I write my congressmen and request that we encourage these young girls to obey their masters as it states in the Bible (Eph. 6:5)?

    Should I have the foreskin of my penis cut off? The Bible commands that all men must do this (Exod. 12:48). I would have my doctor do it but I think I can save some money by doing it myself. Any ideas on how best to do it?

    At the church I attend, some women lead a Bible study. What is the best way to tell them to shut up. We must not have women speaking in church when the Bible forbids them to (1 Timothy 2:12).

    Many of the women in our church wear jewelry. Since women are forbidden to wear jewelry (1 Peter 3:3) what is the best way to tell them God is going to torture them in hell for eternity for doing so?

    I want to obey the Bible and greet all the women at our church with a kiss (2 Thess. 1:26). Why do I get strange looks from them when I do - especially from their husbands? What about French kissing?

    Recently, I have asked several women in my church to marry me since it is permissible for a man to have many wives (1 Kings 11:3). Why do I continually get rejected? People at church are beginning to talk.

    I suppose I will not get married since the Bible states that men shouldn’t not marry (1 Cor. 7:1). What do you suggest?

    There are many unbelievers where I work and because we are forbidden to associate with them (1 Cor. 4:11). I am wondering how best to tell them to keep away from me.

    I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident that you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

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