Are there 5 XJWs in Austin, Texas?

by sixsixsixtynine 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • sixsixsixtynine

    If so, let's make a meetup happen in October. I've been following them for over a year, and they never get the 5 minimum RSVPs. C'mon, it'll be fun. We can also talk about how lame Bob Schneider is. -Matt

  • Princess

    Hey Matt! So you finally posted eh?

    Welcome to JWD!


  • Xena

    I gave up on it after it got canceled the couple of times I signed up

    But I will try again...*sigh* I'm such a giver

  • wildfire

    howdy ya'll yes I live in Austin as of May of 2004. I attended the Dallas Apostofest in May... and had a great time with allthose horrible apostates.... I would love to join in the festivities.. but just in the middle of fighting with the mental health system here in Austin,,,,,, and its got me very frrustrated...also a schizophrenic son who is 1500 miles me and I will give you more details if you wish....I need a diversion from all these battles.....( if you think youve had enuf of this life,, hang on... everyone hurts... everybody cries.....everybody hurts some time..... REM song i am listening to right now... HOLD ON... HOLD ON.... SHALOM WILDFIRE HERE .... HANGIN ON....

  • Jim_TX

    I'm in San Antonio, TX - just down the road from yall... they have the same issues here. *sigh*

    I'm trying again... they have a whole 3 people signed up this time. (Actually... 2 with 1 'maybe'.)


    Jim TX

  • sixsixsixtynine

    Ok, not a whole lotta action goin' on. Still just Xena and myself signed up. Maybe we need a catchy group name, like .................the Austin Area Apostate Alliance. Or the quadruple A for short!!!................Or how about "The Axis of Apostacy"?........No, that's no good........Hmmmm........Jehovah's Witness Protection Program?..No, too corny. Damn.............ummmmmmmmmm.......Jehovah's Sicknesses.......No, that's REALLY bad. A little help here people?!?!?!?!?

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