Jehovah provides...

by New Castles 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • New Castles
    New Castles

    I found this in one of the letters listed in the best of forum. I quote:

    " A regular pioneer gave an experience of how her car needed $87 in repairs, but she didn?t have any money because she didn?t have a full-time job since she believed Jehovah would always provide for her. She was out in field service one day and as she stepped out of the car, she looked down and what do you think she saw in the gutter? A $100 bill! Everybody around me was ooohing and aaahing about how Jehovah provided this $100 bill to this poor pioneer sister so she could get her car fixed. All I could think was how I don?t know one single person who can afford to lose $100 and be okay with it."

    How many times have we heard experiences like these...Anyone know of any they care to share...I remember asking once why God didnt help me that way, and I was readily informed I was not doing enough in his service...anyone else hear this load of crap??

  • badboy

    Jehovah Giro,as I once heard in a church.

  • jgnat

    My daughter once found $20 raking the front lawn while her brother sat inside playing Nintendo. I figured it was divine justice.

  • kwintestal

    Actually something very similar happened to me. I was at a quick filling my normal position of communications expert in the tented area, when my stomach started grumbling. I was hungry, and just as soon as that happened, the food bell went. And conveiniently enough, I was in the food tent. At that point I knew Jehovah had touched me.


  • Brummie

    Darn, when I was a regular pioneer I found a measly £5 and was told I had to put it in the Kingdom expansion fund since it wasnt mine and to keep it would be stealing!!! I did too.....duurrr

  • Stefanie

    Actually that happens to me now that i am not a jw. Last time it happend was in the parking lot of Acadamy. It was 20 dollars, enough to get ice cream for the buggers....

  • Lostreality

    Dontcha know, god only helps those who quit school, get a fast food job for 15 hours a week, special pioneer, and take care of the cong. kids by picking them up and dropping them off at school....


  • New Castles
    New Castles

    Its ridiculous really when you think about it...God watches out for those handing out watchtowers and knowledge books....but he lets millions die of hunger. I guess all those poor countries should pick up their preaching bags...

  • shotgun

    I've heard plenty, here are a few

    I was looking for good reliable car and found this low milage one in my price range, it was a blessing from Jehovah (Jehovah the used car salesman, formerly sold wagons, horses and chariots in years gone by)

    If you buy a lemon then Jehovah had nothing to do with it, Satan was on the sales floor that day.

    We put our house up forsale and we got exactly what we were asking, thankyou Jehovah for blessing us. (Nevermind the realestate boom and that housing sales are going through the roof which means Jehovah must be selling everyone's house)

    Oh and the brothers and sisters who had their homes on the market forever must be materialistic and not putting Jehovah first.

    Shotgun...of the provides for himself class

  • core

    Lost a £20 note recently - fell out of my back pocket as I got out some change....was I Jehovah pickpocketed.....did it fly off to a pioneers front door ? ( If you find it PM me and I will tell you how to get it back to me!)

    disgusting how GOOD is from Jehovah - anything else is YOUR OWN FAULT

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