Where can I find old "Golden Age", "Consolation", "Awake!" mags?

by Quotes 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Quotes

    Does anyone know if there is a CD-ROM of old "Golden Age", "Consolation", "Awake!" magazines?

    Yes, I know that Randy's Freeminds site has old Watchtowers on CD, and purchased many a gem that way.

    However, last time I checked, they don't seem to have the old Golden Age, etc.

    Other than spending a small forune collecting via Ebay and AbeBooks.com, is there a another way? Does anyone know of a CD compilation of old Golden Age mags?

    ~Quotes, of the "Only Two Things in my Life are Golden, One is Beer and the Other is Beer By-Product" class

  • RR

    I use to have a complete set of the Golden Age on Microfilm, sold it to Mike Constanino of Research Applications who produces the cd of older Watchtower, I believe he's working on them as we speak!


  • stichione

    Try ebay under "Watchtower".

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    rr i would love to get mhy hands on that one. let us all know if and when it comes out.,..............................................................................................QUOTES ; at the JW RESEARCH SITE OFF THE FREEMINDS LINK PAGE. ken rains the owner of that site , was selling a cd of about half of the years of the golden age. he's your best bet. sorry i didn't order the cd when he was offering it a few years ago. if you pm me i have his address still. i would love to get one... john p.s. i remember when i was doing research at the 42 st library. i asked for golden age mag's , if i remember correctly they looked it up on an nation wide computer. and told me they were all in micro film at some college library in the state of mass. if you don't get any results from ken raines, try your local county head public library and ask them to do a nation wide search.. let me know how you make out i'm very interested... john

  • RR

    I have that CD by Ken, it's not very good. some of the pages are missing.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    rr; how far does the raines cd go? how bad is it? could you send me a copy? i'll pay. sound like you gave away a $$$$$ maker if you had it all on film? it would really be great to see if your friend can come up with it. i've read lots from kens site, some wild stuff. some is almost unbelievable... what your ideas on what he's brought out? honest taken out of context etc. john

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